Hardly surprising, they know they can’t beat China in a conventional war. You’d think that would mean they could just be peaceful or something, but not the US. This is pretty much my biggest fear, that as their empire collapses, they nuke their enemies and destroy the world out of sheer malice.
Pretty sure the scumbags running US regime would rather see human civilization end in a nuclear holocaust than see their empire fade.
Really is scary to think about the fact that the fate of the world is in the hands of a bunch of angry, bitter old wealthy boomers who can’t handle being told “no” and will all be dead in 20 years, and might just decide to take the rest of us with them out of spite.
i think this is the fear we all share as we watch the empire’s dying gasps
“Taiwan crisis” - is China actually doing anything at all to antagonise Taiwan? What is the making of this “crisis” really if not American aggression?
It’s a crisis because it looks like Ukraine sobered up people in Taiwan, and now DPP is tanking. If KMT gets back in then they’re most likely going to resume the process of repatriation which they started in 2014. US ran the sunflower revolution in response and that’s how DPP got into power.
Impossible, the Kuomintang is more reactionary than you can imagine.You know,The only thing the Kuomintang is good at is killing workers, students and intellectuals.
Reactionary they may be, but they managed to work out an agreement with the mainland in 2014 where Taiwan would recognize the mainland government and in exchange they’d have a representative in the government while being able to retain autonomy and their own military. This was the deal that US tanked by starting the whole sunflower movement thing.
We’ve already seen KMT officials travel to the mainland in recent months, and prominent politicians openly say that they wouldn’t let Taiwan be turned into another Ukraine. I expect we will see repatriation happening if KMT does get into power along the lines that was discussed in 2014.