Fox News and Newsmax joined 40 news organizations in signing a letter urging the Trump administration to lift its ban on the Associated Press (AP) from White House events.
The ban stems from AP’s refusal to adopt the term “Gulf of America” instead of “Gulf of Mexico,” following a Trump executive order.
Newsmax defended AP’s First Amendment rights despite ideological differences.
The White House Correspondents’ Association and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press also protested the ban, but Trump remains firm, calling AP a “radical left organization.”
“We fear a future administration may not like something Newsmax writes and seek to ban us.”
BIG STORY: Newsmax thinks there might be future administrations
I don’t think this is it. I think that removing the AP and leaving Newsmax/Fox calls into question the legitimacy of their reporting. They want to ride the coattails of AP its reputable reporting. Standing shoulder to shoulder with AP reports lends credence to Newsmax/Fox. If the reputable reporters are gone and only Newsmax and Fox are left, people will start questioning if only unreputable reporters are allow there.
I kind of agree, but do their audiences actually question anything without being told to?
Their dyed-in-the-wool audiences no, but those are already captured people. Newsmax/Fox want folks that don’t watch them to assume they are legitimate reporters. Being mentioned in the same breath as AP an Reuters does that.
They do not.
Thats not a bad take tbh.
That may be enough to get them banned from this press room.
Why are they just now “getting this”? There is no reward for loyalty! You’re useful to Trump or you’re not, and his best “use” for you may just be to set an example. You stop sucking him off for one second and he’ll start to think you don’t actually like it.
They supported him, what the hell did they think was going to happen?
There’s a reason we don’t let rabid dogs roam wild. If you open the cage, you don’t get to complain about the subsequent rabies epidemic. You certainly don’t get to ask the dog to stop biting people.
The rabies infection numbers won’t be high if we don’t report on them.
Just stop testing, duh.
Newsmax defended AP’s First Amendment rights despite ideological differences.
“Newsmax and Fox News are hereby banned, as well, for being too woke. We will give credentials to Truth Social and Joe Rogan in their place.”
Maybe if you didn’t enable him and everything he’s been doing for 10 fucking years we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place. Now if you go against him you get shut out, which is probably what would happen to Fox and Newsmax. It’s all for the good of America until they come for you. I’m sure within the next week we’ll get to hear about how “woke” fox news is.
It’s the same feeling I have towards Mitch McConnell. We literally wouldn’t be in this situation if it wasn’t for him.
10 fucking years
fox news has been on this train since the mid-1990s and its inception.
Yeah, but they have only been on the Trump shitshow express for the last 10 years since he started running for office.
Oh, they had him call in regularly during the Obama years to spout birtherism.
It kicked into high gear during W.
The leopard they fed is getting uncomfortably close to their faces.
Genuine question, is this sort of like how Google is Mozilla’s biggest supporter or how Microsoft supported Apple years ago?
That’s my read on it. If the AP (and later Reuters and the other major news sources) are banned, it harms the legitimacy of Fox et. al.'s propaganda.
I also feel AP and Reuters are the ones doing actual work, and Fox just copies them.
How often do you see 'AP is reporting… ’ and ‘Photo by AP’ ?
Yeah, that was the first thing that came to my mind. AP does legit work, they are well respected and well cited on both sides.
Fox: “We need to ensure AP doesn’t get banned. If they do, we might have to hire a couple journalists so we have content”
They want to discourage the administration from banning news orgs because they that at some point they will fuck up and don’t want to get banned too.
Leads crowd in chanting “DO IT”, acts surprised when he does it.
I hope Trump bans all the news organizations that aren’t under the Trump propaganda payroll.
AP and Rueters are the last 2 organizations that a Magoo might trust reports from so naturally Goebbels needs to nip that in the bud. Now there will be nothing but Reich wing media to trust for them as Dear Leader has “outed” the AP as “far left.”
…every day I find a deeper level of sickness to reach.
Kinda encouraging that some of the worst trump-cult news companies are pushing back against these petty abuses. We can still encourage bad people to do good things while remembering not to trust them.
They know their organizations could just as easily get banned if this becomes the norm, whether it’s because they accidentally run afoul of this administration or Dems make it back to power someday.
Doesn’t make it the wrong statement to make though.
The leopard is always hungry for new faces
Wox News everyone.