Aaah, at last, a good ol’ boomer joke.
Then it perfectly makes sense to bar women from science jobs, right ? Right ?!! Thanks for the motivation, I’ll stay with the cool folks at ! this is a joke about how projesterone, a hormone that I and many other trans women take, makes you horny.
I’m really not liking how your group seems dead set on misinterpreting everything I say to the point of seeming absurd to an outside observer.
This post seems to imply that progesterone is causative of emotions, thus a lack of logic.
There is already a stereotype on women being unable to stay logic, because of hormones. Women have been fighting for decades for their right to access technical fields, because of this stereotype. Even today, there are controversies in big tech like Google and Meta about the place of women in computer engineering.I get your point, but please consider that the meaning of your post is ambiguous. I suspect that the other downvotes on the post are related to this ambiguity as well.
There are people who were born with the feature of producing far more progesterone than testosterone, and they have no control over it.
Said people may interpret your post as yet another boy’s club joke.Going through HRT has you go through puberty again. It’s not just trans fems, anyone taking hormones is going to experience this. You live your whole life experiencing one balance of hormones, then suddenly you have raging hormones again.
40% of this mod team is trans. This is an in-joke, if you don’t get it, it’s not for you.
^^^ THIS
How about POGGERSterone?