It’s my tax for letting him hitch a ride in my coat
It’s my tax for letting him hitch a ride in my coat
Eh. Until they remove the second amendment, there’s lots left to be done.
You could just block them yourself if you don’t like leftist spaces that much
Cope and seethe. Take the incel shit outside our sub, thank youuu~~~
not available at all
I may be confused lol. For as long as I’ve been modding for !, I’ve been able to see reports from all instances, but it’s an incomplete list. My account and .world account both have reports that the other can’t see, but the lists are mostly the same.
I assumed that meant we did have reports federating, just not reliably.
Is this update going to fix the report federation issues many mods have been having?
It’s not offensive, it’s just medically inaccurate. We’re not changing our sex, we’re changing our gender.
I suppose it could be offensive in that it misrepresents trans people’s understanding of what hormones do, but it’s really not a huge deal if I’m being honest. It does also have an air of old-timey gender politics, which does always come with a foul taste…
Divorce your Republican wife
I’ve been driving with the check engine light on for a year and a half 🫠
I’m pretty sure it’s just the coolant leak, tho. I keep having to refill it.
What a succinct way of putting it. Tbh I suspect they may have done the same thing with calling the 2020 election “rigged” after the recent allegations about election fraud.
The Woke Police aren’t going to glitter your door down and trans you
Okay, but what will they do this for? Asking for a friend…
Jesus fucking christ.
I’m not even sure what you’re asking, let alone if it’s possible.
I mean, you could probably divide its tasks/processes between different servers or computers, but I don’t see what the point of that would be. It’d just make things significantly slower and more costly.
It’s so tempting to short it, but the moment I do God will look down and personally ensure the stock sees record highs until I see a lethal amount of debt
He is not a king
People sure do act like he is