I Got permanently banned from a subreddit I liked ,and was a long time member of because I accidentally reposted something that was already posted on there before. I tried to ask the mods about the perma ban but got no response
Repost policing is so ridiculous. Like yeah, of course we’d rather not have the same thing multiple times a day, but it’s totally ridiculous to expect people to look through the entire sub’s history to make sure you’re good. If you saw it before, just move on. No need to shit on people for trying to contribute.
In particular, it’s just lazy to escalate to a permaban right away. Even if they have a rule against reposts, removing a post along with a warning not to do it again is sufficient to educate the vast majority of people there who may not have seen the rule and only did it for the first time.
But that would take a few extra minutes, I suppose, to check someone’s post history and see if they are a serial rule breaker. Much easier to just wield the ban-hammer then ignore.
Yeah, same here. Well said, I agree with you. It’s more fair to issue a temporary ban to and warn the users that their reposting too early
I don’t use a temp ban unless they’ve already been warned a couple times and it’s obvious they’re just reposting shit that they know they’re reposting, like reposting their own stuff. I’ll only permaban if I know they’re spamming, or they’re overtly hostile to people on a regular basis and get a steady stream of reports against them.
Uhm I’m pretty sure somebody said the exact same thing the last time this was posted? Do we really need to keep doing this? Everyone turn off your phones and computers. The internet is done.
The AI just turned my computer back on!
The thing is that on these types of platforms old posts get pushed down. And actually on Reddit until very recently old posts became locked, and unable to be interacted with.
And if something hasn’t been posted for years, it’s almost guaranteed that new people will see the repost and it probably won’t even be seen as a repost.
Exactly. Even if you’ve seen it before it doesn’t mean everyone has.
And yet there’s serial reposters who get away with it anyway.
It can get really annoying but we need to remember that the upteenth repost of something probably leads to at least one person seeing it the first time.
I also like some (especially meme) reposts because I enjoyed the post once already and I just enjoy to experience it again
Yeah, tell me about it. Unintentionally Reposting something should not get the user permanently banned, a temporarily ban is more fair.
I got permanently banned for accidentally and unintentionally reposting something that was posted there before. I was a longtime member of that subreddit too! I got unfairly banned for a simple mistake. I tried to talk to the mods but they didn’t respond
Reddit mods are basically in the belief that they’re Mao Zedong. When I created and ran a subreddit /r/treecomics way back in the day, I got accused of being too light on reposts. Like if it was within a couple days I would just remove it. Unless someone was constantly doing it, there’s no harm. Lighten the fuck up people.
So glad I’m permabanned for saying that neonazis in my city should learn how to bite a curb.
Yeah, same here. Some mods have let that power go to their heads. They permanently ban people who accidentally repost too early, people that have a different opinion about something and many others who didn’t do anything wrong.
I think if moderation is so intense that it has a chilling effect on the community, that’s a big red flag. Sounds like you did it just right.
No, a heads up is fair. Banning someone for any length of time for something they weren’t even aware they were doing is fucked up, especially for something as harmless as reposting some funny meme.
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Only time I say anything about it is when I do a quick search and I find a duplicate immediately, like first 10 posts that show up. If they tried at all, then they would have seen it. Same thing for often repeated questions.
Reddit figured out that individual bans don’t matter. Who the fuck are you? Nobody. You count for nothing against the monstrous user base. Even if half of them are bots, they still count as users on an Excel sheet somewhere.
I got banned from the pure A Song of Fire and Ice subreddit because I reported a blatantly sexist post, which is against the rules of the sub, without realizing the person I was reporting was the mod. So the jackass Banned Me immediately. Yeah I’m still bitter.
Course I have a couple stories about being banned on Lemmy that are even worse.
Yeah, it sucks to be banned from a subreddit
And some mods just suck and abuse their own authority
Nice story bro. Reddit reports are anonymous, how would the mod know it was you?
I’ve seen plenty of people reply to the comment they reported to say they reported it.
I still fondly remember my first perma ban. It was 3 months after signing up, commenting on stories on offmychest. The user was talking about her own infidelity and i told her cheating was wrong and she should just break up to prevent causing unnecessary suffering.
Mods banned me for not being supportive enough. Muted me when i asked about it. Looking back i should have stopped using the website then and there, because it only went downhill from there. At one point i was permabanned off a dozen subreddits i wasn’t a part of because i was discussing with anti covid vaxxers about their misinformation and other subreddits said i was participating in subreddits responsible for misinformation and thus, was permabanned from their subreddits now too. The anti vaxxing subreddit didn’t ban me, even though i was against everything they stood for, but they were banned by admins later on.
The straw that broke the camel’s back was when i was in a news subreddit and a user posted a story with a clickbaity title. I said the title was clickbaity and i spoiled the bait by answering the clickbait on the title. The mods permabanned me and i mod mailed them and said it was ridiculous to ban me for such a frivolous thing. Mods reported me for harassment and admin gave me a 3 day ban. I deleted my account and just stuck to Lemmy ever since, where i haven’t been banned even once in a year.
That folks is the 4 year long, 10k karma reddit experience nowadays.
I had pretty much the exact opposite experience; I had several million karma spread across 20 or 30 accounts, and never had a single ban until the API-colypse.
When I mass edited and deleted my comments on my first account, I got permabanned on basically every pro-Spez sub I had ever touched. Then when I did the same with subsequent accounts, they all got site-banned for ban evasion.
I went back a few months later when I heard people had been unbanned and their comments had been restored. And sure enough, all of my accounts were unbanned and had all of their comments unedited and undeleted. Reddit did some sneaky shit to preserve old data and ensure they could actually sell to LLMs.
Some mods are really on power trip.
This aint reddit level for niche subs but otherwise it is a good place!
Yeah, thanks. I’ll try to post more here, interact with you guys more,
Reddit has a lot of niche subs, and more people posting and commenting there.
I’ll try to contribute more here too.
Its just that there isn’t enough people here
yep. we got decent community here, deff a lot more “small village”
smaller subs will take sometime to built up but the core loop is decent for general social media doom scrolling.
Yeah, I wish there was more people here
Not that I don’t believe you, but where’s the rest of the ban message?
Create one Here.
Already did
Let me guess, probably /r/StarTrek or /r/conspiracy. The only two subreddits I’ve ever got banned at and both for strange reasons.
On StarTrek, for pointing out how Star Trek Discovery is bad (without using swearing) and the mods are overreacting by being ban happy on everyone who says so (as I had seen the other subreddit before, where all the banned people complained about the original subreddit), which resulted in me getting banned and into a conversation with a drunk moderato who thought this is funny, how he can abuse his moderator power to permanent ban me. He talked like a 10 years old with aneurysm, when I pointed out his hypocrisy.
On conspiracy, for commenting a conspiracy that was in no way against any rule or TOS. So I guess I was right, too bad I forgot what it was as it was meaningless, tiny. I just remember how hilarious it was suddenly getting banned there by only ever commenting a conspiracy once. On a later thought this was good as I noticed how crap the subreddit was/is.
Yeah, Reddit mods suck
I got banned from r/armoredcore, it’s one of the niche subreddits that I was a long time member of, liked the subreddit and its community. And I got permanently banned from that subreddit because of reposting something that I didn’t know that I was reposting
As someone who watched four seasons of Discovery and is a diehard and lifelong trek fan, I can I can safely confirm your opinion. Discovery is in fact bad. The really disappointing part is that it’s almost good. It’s so close. The production value and visual effects are insanely good. The acting isn’t even bad. But oof, that writing is just atrocious, and the plots never go really where they need to. It just keeps missing the brass ring on every try. What a letdown.
The solution to paying moderators and admins is to simply issue lifetime bans to every account that commits the vaguest faux pas. That’s the nature of the beast at a website that no longer actually wants humans interacting with it.
Honestly makes complete sense why it seems to be bot central there now. The shit you sometimes get perma banned for is just ludicrous. And then you get auto admin messages back that the Nazi who called for literal murder didn’t actually violate their terms of service…
Which i understand why it happened. There’s just too many user there for each mod to handle so autoban is the quickest for even a minute offence. The dam that hold the water is cracking.
There’s just too many user there for each mod to handle
Because admins purged a bunch of the mods for failing to adhere to their increasingly dictatorial policies. It’s a self-inflicted crisis.
They implement Donkey Policy.
I feel your pain.
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I got banned from (later re-added to) r/neopets… a person was seeking help about getting back their old account, and I said they’d know which email was used because the MASSIVE neopets hack is on most people’s identity theft reports and online security data. They don’t want scammers to know about the hack, even enough over 40,000 accounts have been already stolen and a group in Brazil is making over $20K USD a month selling the rare/limited digital items, for real money, to those who don’t want to grind.
I pleaded and they let me back in. They take it very seriously.