• 19 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • and they expect everyone around them to know those rules that are internal to them

    Yep. Fuck your pronouns. I’ll make a logical assumption, correct myself if asked to. Not going to fucking seek your preference. Fuck they.

    huge echo-chambers which refuse to interact with anyone who doesn’t 200% agree with them

    I’m ALREADY on your side! FFS give it a fucking rest already. There are plenty of others hurting without the constant wailing, “What about ME!”

    the person on the other side of the conversation gets IRRATIONALLY angry at you

    [removed by mod with zero explanation because fuck you]

    I’m so done. These motherfuckers, arguing about bullshit when their very lives are on the line. STFU already. Been blocking all the non-stop trans posts and comms. It’s overwhelming.

    tl;dr: I’m with you, but you aren’t with me. Fight among yourselves. I’ll help if I can.

  • Every American who wasn’t armed should have taken a clue on 01/06, or taken a class on WWII history.

    Sick to fucking death of liberal pansies, “Guns bad!” Meanwhile, blacks, women and LGBT were, and still are, the leading gun purchasers. Suburban white boys: “But guns aren’t a solution! BAD!”

    Well, it’s far too late for that rhetoric, we should have that convo in the 90s, too late kids. Get strapped or get on a fucking train.

    “BUH BUH BUH they might shoot back and kill me!”

    That was already in the cards you fucking pussies. I’ll choose to die with my boots on.

    And we wonder why our Democratic politicians are milquetoast. Because Democrats voted for milquetoast and that’s what we got. Cowards. Suprised_pikachu.jpeg.

  • Long before the notion of privilege was widely talked about, I was the clueless white guy. OTOH, I did have a clue. After a few interactions with the cops and courts I thought, “Well, that went better than expected. Thank god I’m not black.”

    Ask me about having a “black” middle name and getting my resumes trashed for 2 months, not one response. Changed my email, got 3 interviews and 2 offers in the following 2 weeks.