Tears in Heaven
I must be strong == I must destroy
Lets hear em
Hold me closer, Tony Danza…
You didn’t mishear it, the name and commonly-accepted lyrics are a retroactive fix at Mr. Danza’s request and he asks that we respect his privacy.
This one wins lol
Not me personally, but I worked with a guy that always thought Secret Agent Man was Secret Asian Man.
No joke. Many years ago we went to a biker bar and it happened to be a karaoke night. Asian guy sings Secret “Asian” man and we lost our shit.
I’ve since learned it is a fairly common one. But we got a lot of laughs out of it with him. Just out of the blue when he’d come to his desk someone would break out singing it.
Da Vinci’s Notebook has you covered: https://youtu.be/ezd_gZxOukw?si=yQJ38BXRZU7BzJ7-
Honestly I think the singer threw in at least one secret asian man, and Secret aging man.
I am that guy. I thought that for a 20 years
deleted by creator
Pearl Jam; Daughter
Center of a Rhododendron = Center of he own attention.
Pearl Jam feels like cheating.
Here’s the classic Yellow Ledbetter
Yellow Ledbetter doesn’t count. It’s mumbled in recordings because the lyrics change over time to adapt to whatever conflict we’re currently wasting life on.
I still don’t know the full lyrics of even flow. Every time I hear it fucks with my head and I forget the words.
“Gimme fries”
Always loved Eddie making fun of Mike for thinking the Kiss lyrics were, “I wanna rock n roll all night, and part of every day.”
Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee
When I was a kid, I swear the lyrics sounded like “later we’ll have some fucking pie”, but it’s “later we’ll have some pumpkin pie”.
Oh I am absolutely teaching that one to my nephew before next holiday season…
How old?
Can’t say I remember. It’s one of those songs that has been played every year for ages upon ages. Maybe around 10 or something.
No dogs orgasm in the classroom
Another Brick in the Wall (part 2)
“all in all it’s just a” - “hol ihn hol ihn unters Dach”
“Fetch him under the roof”. And it has a nice story to go along with it that the sound engineer mixing the song was German, heard that line and then committed suicide under the roof of the studio because he was reminded of the abuse he suffered as a child in an orphanage.
Total fabrication by the German documentary show “Quarks & Co” to demonstrate how one can be manipulated to hear stuff that isn’t there. To this day I can’t not hear it when listening to the song.
What is Lady Gaga saying in Scheiße or is that hokey-Deutsch?
Total gibberish.
I know I’m not the only one but I always thought the line was “dirty deeds and the Thunder Chief”. Still think Thunder Chief is a cool name.
Same band, I thought the line was “let loose, vamanoose” like a funny way of saying vamonos - or “lets go”.
Better than “Dirty deeds done with sheep”
I thought it was “Dirty deeds, dungarees” when I was a kid .
My mum thought it was “Dirty jeans and they’re dungarees”!
I also used to say stuff like that as a kid! I think I said, “thunder Jeep.” My dad thought it was hilarious. But he did show me that the album included the lyrics. I’ll still do it my way if the song comes on when he visits.
I also heard “Thunderchief” and thought it was referring to airplane of that name
Blinded By the Light
Roll up like a doucheRev up like a deuce🎵 Another boner in the night 🎵
If you want a big list of these check out https://www.kissthisguy.com/
Here’s one from there
Like a virgin touched for the thirty-first time. Artist: Madonna Song: Like a Virgin Real Lyric: Like a virgin touched for the very first time.
Crimean River
“'Scuse me while I kiss this guy…”
Fun fact: there is a book called that, that is a collection of these.
They are called “mondegreens”. They’re a ton of fun.
Taylor Swift - Blank Space
“Got a long list of ex lovers”
“Gotta love those Starbucks lovers”
I thought it was supposed to be a self aware “white girl” joke.
Lmao I also heard it as that and was so confused at wtf it was supposed to actually be
I remember the subtitles for Smash Mouth - Walking on the Sun said “It’s like kitty fat, it retracts before impact” which was nuts, I had the CD, and it was “any fad”. They didn’t use to vet subtitles on MTV. There were orders, but that’s all I remember.
José Feliciano - Feliz Navidad.
Sounds like he is saying ‘release mum and dad.’ interlace with him singing ‘I want to wish you a merry christmas’
I was in stitches at the dinner table when I heard it. Trying to tell my brother while crying and hyperventilating with laughter made it even better.
I hear this song in my head every time I see a “for lease” sign…
For lease navidad.
Selena Gomez - Good For You - “
I’m 14 carats. I’m 14 caretsI’m farting carrots. I’m farting carrots.”