I can wait literally forever to play a console exclusive and I won’t have to because emulation.
It’s not even about waiting or patience. I’m not a teenager anymore, so I don’t have as much to play games as I used to (and I have now other interests too). I have so many great PC games in my queue I literally won’t have time to play them all until I die. The queue only gets longer with time. So what if I can’t play some console exclusive? It’s just one game in the long list of games I won’t get to play and I have no problems with that.
Wishing you a happy demise day in advance!
aww so cute
I mean, I don’t know about you, but I have something like 50 different other games in my backlog. I don’t need to play any specific game on a console.
I can wait. Years, even. It’ll arrive on Steam eventually. And I’ll play it. Eventually.
Most likely it is going to be one of those AAA games too and they are all shit anyway in recent years.
Same, I don’t even want to buy another console, except maybe the new Switch
If the titles are backwards compatible anyways, then it’s only a matter of time before we can play them on the SteamDeck anyhow.
I don’t have the tech-saavy for emulation, and I’ll still wait for console exclusives to come out on PC (unless we’re talking Nintendo exclusives I’m actually interested in). I’ve actively waited for Ghost Signal: A Stellaris Game to no longer be a Facebook exclusive, and now I’m doing the same for Out Of Scale.
Facebook exclusive? WTF am I reading?
Remember when Facebook’s overarching company bought out Oculus? Well, some VR games seem to start out as exclusives on the “quest” headsets. (I know Facebook [the parent company] changed their name to “Meta”, but I refuse to acknowledge that)
Pls save me from the capital leeches.
Yeah there’s a first person NFL VR game, but last I heard, it was still oculus exclusive
Steam users are the base everyone desires to get to but no one wants to pay the toll to Valve for building the platform gamers want.
“we’ve built a platform that at least give piracy a run for its money, and used it to develop a massive user base so conditioned to buying from us that they happily joke about how 50% off a game they won’t play is cause for them to buy four times as many. Please, join us all in the baffling orgy of commerce, all we ask is 30% of the treasure.”.
“We will, but we’re gonna try to get the users to come to our platform with less content and maybe a $500 buy-in so we can have a bigger portion of a smaller pie”.
“Lol, go for it”.
“Why are you being anticompetitive?”The hilarious thing is that Sony could open their own pc storefront selling steam keys, keep their 30%, and the only restriction would be maintaining price parity with the same game on the Steam storefront.
For a. Company like Sony that already has all the payment processing and customer service knowhow, this would be far easier for them than most.
Yet they can’t or won’t bother because suits are fucking stupid.
Shit, I assumed that valve somehow got a cut of games from keys as well, but looking it up (briefly), it looks like you’re entirely right and they don’t.
That makes it even more bonkers that companies keep trying to siphon off the market share, since you could just take your market proceeds as bonus revenue as long as valve got their share of what they sell.
I’m assuming that’s a big chunk of how things like humble bundle make their money?Pretty sure generating buttloads of steam keys for resale on a different platform to keep valve from taking their 30% is a violation of steam’s TOS?
Nope. There’s rules about pricing parity but you can generate and sell as many of your own keys as you want.
You can’t actually, they won’t let you generate more keys if you sell fewer units through Steam directly (probably not 1:1, they don’t state precise numbers as it’s up to their discretion).
Here’s the relevant part of their website for reference:
If you request an extreme number of keys and you are not offering Steam customers a comparable deal, or if your sole business is selling Steam Keys and not offering value to Steam customers, your request may be denied and you may lose the privilege to request keys.
I find it hard to believe Sony would run afoul of these guidelines. I’m not sure what they mean by “if your sole business is selling steam keys”. Maybe referring to shovelware ‘developers’ that use steam for laundering money, if I had to guess.
But Sony would run afoul of these guidelines.
Parity in this case would likely mean nearly everyone just buys directly from steam. No doubt Sony would infect the gaming process by injecting their launcher no matter what you do, but steam will get their 30%.
I don’t know what Sony could offer on their own storefront that plays well with parity rules to make people choose it over steam.
But the thought of them operating their own store front and offering steam keys with every sale won’t happen. Valve have stopped that in the past.
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God preach here. "Our storefront works half the time, is clunky, bulky, filled with flashy ads and no substance, allows no customization, you can’t add your own games, you can’t run it on Linux, and our games will always assume you’re trying to pirate or hack even when we know you just bought the game. Switch over now! You’ll love it!
You don’t even gotta do that much, just be a better platform.
Turns out most people despise rentiers
Sony has been paying that toll and, per the article, plans to continue to do so.
Am I missing something here?
maybe because Steam is kind of a shitty platform and valve an abusive landlord. Shocking, i know.
A simple fact that consoles require a monthly subscription to play anything with friends is why they will never reach PC gaming.
I paid for hardware, I paid for the game, I pay for the internet; fuck your subscription just to join an online server you contribute nothing to.
It’s my red line that I will not cross. I’ve given in to some practices I hated at one point. But I will absolutely never pay for the internet twice.
I quit their system when they changed things around and my life hasnt changed, Indont even play online.
Tbh the way things have gone, I went and bought a PC, got some emulators and got all my catalog on to the system and any nintendo exclusives or PS exclusives I buy second hand. I have hated this generation between the ps5 and switch everything underwhelmed
FWIW there are exceptions to that. On PlayStation, you only need a subscription if PSN handles the online component of the game. Companies that manage their own online services don’t require it. Genshin Impact, Final Fantasy 14, Warframe, Fortnite, etc. can all be played without PS+
I thought I remember Xbox doing the the same thing for free to play Xbox games a couple years ago
I don’t own an Xbox so I am not quite sure, but I don’t think it applies in quite the same way, namely that in order to play Final Fantasy XIV on Xbox, I read that you need a Gamepass subscription in addition to the game subscription itself, which is not a requirement on PlayStation.
But for truly free to play games, maybe.
What does he think the mental process is? “Oh Spiderman 2 dropped I’m going to buy a PS5 and play that immediately”?
Nah, the process is, “Oh Spiderman 2 dropped? Oh it’s console exclusive? Guess I’ll play looks at the hundreds of unplayed games in my steam library The same 3 games I always play while I wait.”
I don't like this post because [x] i'm being personally attacked here
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Fixed title:
PlayStation’s CEO drastically overestimates the PC crowd’s wallet capacity, thinks PC gamers will buy an inferior, overpriced, locked down PC that can only play specific games on a non-replacable proprietary OS with planned obsolescence for when the PS6 comes out
I’ll never not be a PC gamer but calling PS overpriced at the moment is wild. Compared to the cost of PC components right now 5 or 6 hundred is not ridiculous. That’s cheaper than mid to high tier GPU alone.
You are forgetting that you have to pay to play online. Your $500 console is an $800 console if you use it for 5 years. You can build a roughly PS5 equivalent PC (RX 6700) for more like $650-700 which is less overall.
Plus it’s a computer so you can also use it for normal computer things, and the games themselves are generally much cheaper with a huge backlog and sales all the time.
I did forget that. Also that price point is awesome, I just dumped a ton on a fresh build. I didn’t want to minmax on it but it’s cool you can get it that low and still have that level of quality. Gotta hate NVIDIA.
Also don’t forget living at the whim of the manufacturer with regards to backwards compatibility.
My PC game library goes back literally 30+ years. (I think the oldest game I play occasionally is Eye of the Beholder, 1991. The original doom is still good and from 1993)
That has value.
This is an excellent point. The availability of games.
On PC, you can play pretty much every game ever, with varying degrees of legality, whether directly, or indirectly using an emulator, with the only exception to this being very modern titles on consoles which do not have an emulator for PC yet, or that are still locked in a bullshit exclusivity deal.
Meanwhile, PS/XBox is limited to whatever Sony/Microsoft deems appropriate to have on their console.
On console you live and die by someone else’s rules, on PC, the sky is the limit.
The Eye of the Beholder series really bring back childhood memories, even if i didn’t finish any of them - furthest i got was in EotB 2, and i after being stuck for a while in an area with those cultists i gave up. i didn’t even understand english back then lol
I only had the first one. I found it at a yard sale, and luckily they also had the instruction manual and hint book. The game had a check where when you tried to go to the second floor, it would ask you like “what is the third word on the page with a picture of an axe in the corner in the instruction manual?”. Early DRM. If you got it wrong, I’m pretty sure you couldn’t proceed.
The hint book was also written in character from the point of view of someone who had gone before you. It was like an idiot noble and his long suffering servant. Great way of doing it.
Perhaps in isolation, but given that most people need a PC, would you rather:
a) buy a subpar PC for productivity and a console that’s going to be wasted money in a few years’ time, and you need to invest even more money on a new console (unless you never want to play new games again), and/or pour a bunch of money into scam subscription online services to get games (or even play them at all if they’re online)
b) buy a good PC with money you would have otherwise spent on the console, that will last effectively until the hardware dies, and even then you can upgrade it instead of buying a new PC
I agree the LLM and cryptobro insanity has screwed the GPU market, but in the long run even at the current prices PCs are still a better deal.
As I said I play games on PC so I would rather option B. I’m just saying that I don’t think PS is comparatively that expensive. If PCs are a better deal, it’s not by that much.
and that’s accounting for a theoretical PS6, used PS5 rn is probably <$400.
Edit: typo
it is not as if used PCs with year old components aren’t cheaper than new ones. The console is significantly worse here because the subscription prices do not get reduced by anything because the hardware is older.
I have spider-man 2 on my gamecube, why do I need a ps5?
I have Spider-Man 2 on my PS1
We (PC gamers) have a wide swath of hardware and input preferences that consoles do not even make an ATTEMPT to accommodate. Then there’s the predatory “pay us a subscription to play online” thing, too.
Most PC gamers will just completely skip consoles rather than play games like that. Our patience is eternal and without end.
I think that’s accurate for a subset of PC gamers but there’s no shortage of people pre-ordering trash games or encouraging other shitty behavior like microtransactions on PC. Many of those problems could be solved with a patience that doesn’t currently exist in sufficient quantities to discourage publishers from bad practices.
This is just my theory, but with the price of game development increasing so rapidly, I think it’s getting harder for the impatient to cover the development costs and make a profit off shitty games, unless the game has a huge following. Games like COD, Diablo, Star Wars, etc.
For games without that following, I think they are definitely being punished for their bad practices. Like Gotham Knights, Red Fall, Saints Row, etc. Games that cost so much that they have potential to shut down studios
Don’t forget things like locking everyone into their ecosystem. Case in point, Minecraft. On the pc using Bedrock I can connect to any server. Xbox and Nintendo versions I know for a fact you can only connect to approved servers. Not sure about the PS version, but I would venture it’s similar. So why would I want to limit myself by playing their locked down copy of the exact same game?
Seriously. I was thrilled to see Sony start porting over interesting looking games, but if they go back to their previous release standard, I’m fine going back to my previous “not playing ps exclusives” standards. I’ve got plenty of other games to get to. No need to go out of my way to get over the hurdles they put up.
yup especially the pc gamer, especially with the presence of lots of banger indies, is spoiled for choice, that exclusivity is less of something enticing. And selling on FOMO don’t work as well when there’s also tons of f2p games competing on such feelings.
I have waited this long for Bloodborne on pc I think I can wait a little longer
And Bloodborne is actually worth playing.
And well on the way towards being emulated
Gaming PCs are almost universally faster and more powerful than any gaming consoles, no matter how flashy and prettily designed. (Hell, even mid tier PCs generally kick the ass of most consoles) So why the hell would a PC gamer downgrade their gaming experience by wasting their money on a console?
For me it’s the paid multiplayer that ruins it.
Yeah that amazing people are paying extra to be able to use internet
I think that current-gen console gamers are becoming increasingly aware of the reason why consoles can still be competitive: quantity, optimization, and upscaling. It becomes very apparent when every AAA game ships with two graphics modes, performance and quality, which are usually just changes in internal resolution/upscaling, LoD, texture budget, and lighting/RT.
Purely in the perspective of gaming performance per dollar, the current-gen consoles just barely beat out mid to upper-mid range PCs, but factoring in all the other uses of a PC pushes the comparison in PC’s favor.
Do they? Last time i checked decent pc was at least twice as expensive. Granted pc does have advantage in versatility but if you dont need it then consoles win. Also price to performance is flawed metrics. Ultimately the only thing that matters is that game works fine. And since they are targeted for consoles first usualy they do work on them good enough. Sure on pc they technicaly can have higher resolution or a bit more detail but it really doesnt matter that much in a grand scheme of things.
A decent GPU alone will run as much as an entire PS5. You get other computer perks when building a PC, but the simple fact is that a lot of gamers are priced out of it.
I think this is completely misguided. An equivalent GPU as in the ps5 is reportedly an RTX 5700 XT ~$200.
The RTX 4060 Ti ~$400 or RTX 3080 ~$450 is comparable if you want 4k gaming, but since most people don’t have TV hardware suitable for 4k gaming it’s a dumb comparison unless you include the $2000 TV in addition to the cost of the console. The TV alone compares the cost of a competent 4k PC rig before you consider the $500 console, multiplayer subscription cost and higher price of games so unless you’re part of the niche that has a very high quality TV already, the claim that console gaming being cheaper seems mistaken.
4K TVs are not $2000, they’re incredibly cheap these days. You can get a 70-inch 4K TV at Costco or similar retailers for less than $500. And even less than that for more reasonable TV sizes.
I normally don’t like factoring in the cost of other hardware anyways because the computer will also need a monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers, etc. which are things you don’t necessarily want to skimp on either.
Sure you can get a cheap 4k TV way less, but without a good refresh rate and response time it’s not suitable for gaming. $2k may be high, I’ve not been in the market super recently but it’s certainly wrong to say an entry level 4k Samsung from Costco is suitable for gaming, the response time isn’t close to give the right experience. Same logic as setting graphics to 4k and playing at like 15 fps on a computer on a dog of a GPU.
A computer does need a monitor, and honestly a decent one does cost often upwards of $300, but smaller size without any of the bundled processors etc make it way cheaper than a TV that can do the same.
There is something to say about how well the storage is integrated into the PS5 in particular. The latency is much lower than PC storage generally is, even for m.2 NVMe. That probably isn’t actually that large of an issue that the games using that couldn’t work on PC, especially if you have a lot of RAM, which is even faster.
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My $1000 home built machine from 10 years ago can run circles around the XBox One so I respectfully disagree.
That’s with an AMD FX-8150 and 16 GB or Ram and a standard Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti running on an 8 year old Samsung solidstate.
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Tflops is floating point math genius, and the FX-8150 gets around 8 of 'em so it’s handling a huge chunk of it and offloading a lot of the finer details to the graphics card. Not even mentioning the added instruction sets. The Ryzen is handling both cause all the graphics is being run through the processor instead of through a card. So it’s doing double duty. And yeah, ram makes up for a lot. There’s also separate ram on the card so in addition the the 16 gigs of ram on board the mobo, there’s 4 more gigs on the graphics board. Not to mention the vram running off the solid state. So I will happily put my 10+ year old machine right up against any and all the consoles and it will kick every one of their asses.
I said I respectfully disagree but you wanted to take it to the floor.
Edit: here’s a spec sheet including the tflops on the Xbox one, one s, and one x.
Edit2edit: wrong GPU. Still, 2.1 beats the shit out of Xbox 1 and 1S at 2.1, and that’s without the processor doing all the heavy lifting.
No Sony. You had every chance to win me over and you blew it.
Could I buy a PlayStation. Yes. Will I, no. I lost interest in PlayStation back during the PS3. That console saw more Blu-rays and DVDs than games. Never bought a PS4.
And if/when this or any other formerly exclusive games come to PC, it has to compete with current release PC titles, but itself will be judged as an older title. It doesn’t matter to me if it’s new to the platform. I won’t be paying new game price for a port of an old title.
This is my problem with Ghosts of Tsushima… It’s already 4 years old. I’m not willing to pay 80 bucks for a game either way, but definitely not a 4 year old game!
$80? More like $50 but your point stands.
I should have said $79.99 CAD, not freedom bucks.
Heh. That’s cute. Pissing off players by cutting them off from their games has been going sooo well for them.
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To be fair, I do have to keep my wife from getting a PS5 for the FF7 remake games. SE will eventually release them on PC, and modders will fix whatever shit port job they do this time.
However, this does not come from a place of logic; she wants to see Cloud and Sephiroth fuuuuuuck.
However, this does not come from a place of logic; she wants to see Cloud and Sephiroth fuuuuuuck.
My wife bought Mass Effect because she wanted to fuck everybody.
She’s been hearing about BG3 and thinking about it.
…Can I get her number?
Only if you’re a video game with of horny choices
Oh, we know. She still insisted on the PS4 version when that came out. We comprised as I bought her a used copy to avoid giving SE any ideas that it’s ok to do that shit lol
and FF16! I have owned and 100%'d most FF’s and still I refuse to buy a PS5 for the exclusives.
This is why I have a PS5.
Granted, I don’t hate the thing, but I also don’t find it that useful.
I wish it supported ultrawide. Returnal does.
Playstation CEO doesn’t play games or else they would know how much more flexible PC gaming is for the user. They are hoping people will slum it with console locked ecosystems and non-moddable games using hardware that never improves.
True, consoles are rapidly approaching being indistinguishable from Kiosk moded, locked down miniature PC’s.
Approaching? I would say kiosk mode PC consoles started with Xbox and then PS4 joined the group, Nintendo is what’s left.
I think you are right.