machiabelly [she/her]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2020


  • Hawaii was great until the haoles fucked it up. So was a lot of pre colombian america. And parts of pre colonization africa.

    Just because Europe was shit doesn’t mean it was shit everywhere. Europe is pretty unique in that it has been total warring itself for over 2000 years straight. The streak ended in world war 2, but goes back to the bronze age.

    Could those places I listed be improved by modern medicine and trains? Sure. Doesnt mean they were terrible.

  • I’ve been lucky that many of the people around me were happy to learn. I haven’t worked a white collar job yet so my work has been unrelated to the vocabulary. And people aren’t insecure or defensive about education because they aren’t payed to be educated. It was actually fun to teach the ones that wanted to learn. But I would also see lots of confused looks and so I lowered my vocab.

    But I mean less terms like a-priori and more like flabbergasted or circumnavigate, pincer, dilapidated. Just higher reading level words that you might use in a description or as an adjective. nothing too jargony.