Hahaha I had forgotten about the beans!
Hahaha I had forgotten about the beans!
One of the churches still has some original buildings from around 1740. Old for the us, not so old for Europe.
Given the Snowden revelations, what an unfortunate choice of names.
It should be interesting to see the effect of virtually zero ads from republicans as compared to the deluge of them the democrats are going to be able to pay for.
This is hopefully going to get interesting. I don’t think he can actually put that much together to appeal it.
Fuck Jaime Dimon, any time he says anything he’s lying to forward his own agenda. Fuck all commentary from these rich chodes.
There’s probably a word for it in German or Swedish. I bet it’s long and hard to pronounce, maybe with a non-English pronunciation symbol.
I’m sixty. I hope I live long enough to piss on his grave
If he was bankrupt and on the street that still would not be enough for me at this point.