That’ would require us to exercise a degree of humility. Tricky.
I described like 5 things. Can you be more specific?
It’s funny. People I know who are religious. They may have a head full of scripture but dogmatism isn’t as ubiquitous as you might think. And often behind that scriptural thinking is a proper humility. An understanding that these eyes and this brain are just a speck. A dot of illumination in a vast night. Fine modern scientific and/or theological theories notwithstanding.
The popular arrogance, otoh, is childish. Smug certainty that you have truth in hand. I find that hard to swallow.
Drugs and meditation are the best cure for it as far as I can tell.
I like meditation a lot.
I think it might speak against the idea. Because there is a strong probability that it is chosen, not because evidence/logic/etc leads to it, but because it is popular with one’s friends. Not saying it’s necessarily so, but there’s a strong probability.
(Which would lead to “truth can only be gotten from antisocial weirdos”. Which is kinda bleak I guess.)
But yes. I think that the 99% of people get their whole reality from consensus. No actual independent thinking except in the details. And there is also a vast hostility to the strange there. Maybe that’s “tribalism”.
That is a very good point. I will look into that.
A family of 5th generation inbreds exchanging chuckles over the odor of their piss. The conversation is narrow. The jokes are private. Real novelty is strictly forbidden.
Fresh is a funny way to put it.
A population of open-minded, free-thinking, laid-back people who like to explore strange new ideas.
Ha ha, no.
Because your answer was glib and shallow.
charming and handsome as always.
Have you ever posted an uncommon opinion. Offered an argument (here on lemmy) that contradicted the popular narrative?
If so, how did it go?
I thought it was a spot-on comment. Addressed to the whole congregation. No switcheroo intended.
You people. I swear.
I’m hungry for conversation. It’s true. And what passes for conversation among you normal people bores me. So I try to inspire something strange. To boldly go and such.
Maybe I’ll leave lemmy. Talking to one of you is like talking to all of you. You really have nothing new to say. And your egos are so fragile. Seriously. Starting with the mean stuff at the drop of a hat.
the same shallow, conventional arguments over and over. You people, you live in a box.
was it you who removed my post?
I was confronted. It could have been exploration. Your choice.
Does it give you joy to post that? Do you subsist on wet newspaper and dishwater?
This is society. If you don’t like it then you are free to lock yourself in a closet.
But I didn’t dispute the value of asspulling. I disputed the assertion that the ancient’s general method for explaining was asspulling. (implying that we are better now)
Find a hobby.
He did actually say it.
through no fault of mine.
what the hell are you talking about?
I just heard the term “administrative burden”. But that’s pretty vague.