The midterms when we can hopefully replace his yes men in Congress.
The midterms when we can hopefully replace his yes men in Congress.
I am so fucking embarrassed that my fellow citizens elected this fucktard instead of the extremely qualified and dignified Kamala Harris.
I hate it here.
Shocker that yet another MAGAt is a pedo.
Lemonade for the win
Capsaicin, the thing that makes peppers spicy, is an oily compound.
Water will never remove this from your tongue and the temporary relief is so short it is effectively worthless.
Drinking milk helps actually neutralize the best long term. Alcohol will also help.
I use JetBrains IDEs. IntelliJ, Pycharm, Goland, and Webstorm.
Kissing the boot would have been to build in a back door and provide the UK with secret access to every global Apple users data.
It’s ridiculous to expect them to exit the market and it is illegal for them to fight this in public.
This was them giving the middle finger to the UK. Saying, without saying it explicitly, that they will not give the UK unfettered access to global customer data.
If only the WaPo and other media outlets spent even 10% of the effort they waste on Democrats to report on the MAGA fascists Trump wouldn’t be in office.
This is 100% right. Shocked you aren’t being down voted into oblivion for not jumping on the anti Apple circle jerk.
“the more cynical” is a really positive spin on conspiracy theory nut jobs.
Apple only throttled CPU speeds on batteries that were below a certain threshold to avoid them crashing when they couldn’t provide the necessary power from the battery. Replace the battery, which Apple would do for effectively cost, and the CPU throttle goes away.
This was a measure to make phones keep working longer instead of forcing folks to buy a new one. Quite the opposite of the claims here.
Samsung throttled their phones from the start, for the same reason, but would increase CPU speeds to cheat at benchmark tests and lie about the capabilities of their phones. Where are the lame memes regarding them?
Here is a link to back my claims, because I don’t just spout nonsense.
Admitted to intentionally causing batteries to drain faster?
I’m sure you have a link to an official Apple statement that proves the claim.
If there was some sort of evidence that would back up the explanation you wouldn’t get banned.
You get banned because there is no reason other than hatred they are falsely labeled as pedophiles.
It would be more accurate to say all conservatives or Christians are pedophiles. At least most of the documented instances have been.
It’s reported that people believe Apple did things, never with any actual, you know, proof.
The biggest problems either performance with old phones is that folks don’t understand how batteries degrade over time and attribute that to some sort of malice from companies like Apple.
I’m all for complaining about the dangers of unfettered capitalism, but stupid Apple conspiracy theories make yall look silly.
Is this ironically funny?
Like… it’s funny people are stupid enough to believe this nonsense.
I’m just basing my opinion on the text of the article. The article you told people to read:
US inflation increased by more than expected last month, as higher egg and energy prices helped to push up the cost of living for Americans.
Grocery prices climbed 0.5% over the month, compared with 0.3% in December, as egg prices surged more than 15% … That marked the biggest monthly increase in nearly a decade, the Labor Department said.
Then you reply with a statistic that doesn’t appear in the article with no reference. Fucking MAGATs.
I’m pulling for USA all the way.
Someone needs to knock off the Canucks.
Driven primarily by….
The cost of eggs. Yes regular people are going to notice this.
It’s a direct example of distracting people from the actual consequential actions.
It’s like yall forgot the first Trump presidency. People were protesting and getting angry early on. Then they burnt out.
They didn’t have energy to fight when important things happened.
Be angry. Sure. But be smart about what you’re angry about.
This is something dumb.
I honestly don’t give a shit, and wish less attention was given to inconsequential nonsense like this.
Trump and co are doing things far more destructive than this.
You can’t die on literally every hill. Save your energy and fight the important fights.
Fuck them. Fuck them all. Fucking leopard voting fucks.