One issue I’ve heard is if a restaurant chooses not to use the service someone else can set up a page in their name without permission, and the platforms often won’t do anything to prevent it. Then confused delivery drivers start to show up, and customers complain to the restaurant about the markups/high pricing even when the restaurant is not actually involved at all.
On top of all that, many people just use delivery apps to find local restaurants, so you lose a lot of visibility if you aren’t listed, but for that one you can argue it’s in fact paying for the service you get (i.e. marketing).
I’ve been wondering the same about a lot of right wing economic policy. Why push for policy that is a net negative for everyone in the long run? I have since realized that it does make sense if you don’t look at it in terms of wealth, but rather in terms of power. The control you have over other people doesn’t depend on your absolute wealth, but rather the relative wealth you have compared to others, and so for someone looking for that kind of power (i.e. most billionaires as far as I can tell) it wouldn’t matter if something they do hurts everybody, as long as it hurts you more than it hurts them.