Wow! I didn’t know he could read.
Wow! I didn’t know he could read.
I get the spirit here but not sure I agree that it MUST be true mathematically.
A full time job is 32+ hours a week. Even if I use the American 40, that’s still only 23% of the week not counting vacation or holiday.
Most people don’t get more then 8 hours off sleep a night. That’s 1/3 the day. 43% of the week for everything else.
That’s enough time for you to do something more than sleep or work. Then count in time for vacation and holiday and if you don’t sleep eight hours every night. And if you do stuff at work that isn’t necessarily in your job title.
Due to my meds I can only sleep 4-5 hours a night.
Underrated app. Super useful
My city is nestled between a rain forrest and lots of natural springs. If we put our water through the normal cleaning process it would come out dirtier then it went it. We also have a few damned lakes we are having to release water from because we got so much damned rain this past winter.
We have a flat rate we pay for water, sewage, recycling, and garbage pickup and are only charged more if we use a certain amount of water. Mostly just people who water their yard or have a personal pool have to pay the higher fee.
The legality of deporting citizens has not stopped America from doing it anyways in the past.
Move to New Zealand. TBF, I’ll probably move there if doesn’t will as well.
As a guy, the days I can wear skirts are my happiest days.
I stopped drinking alcohol and soda and drastically cut down my milkshake consumption. I’ve lost 50 pounds in the past year and still going down.
Connect it to a DAV server and you dont have to learn a new software.
I’ve had good experience with aliexpress. Nearing 1000 products purchased.
Tazo is a subbrand of Lipton which itself is a sub brand of Unilever. I was unable to find any English Breakfast on their website that the nutrition label stated it had 2 grams of protein. Every tea I saw had 0 listed.
Pretty popular in the US, so I do drink them from time to time and they arent bad, but I dont advise to eat the leaves when you are done. The leaves are very highly processed, and they dont really care if other things get mixed into the tea peaves before processing.
Most food contains bugs. Its unlikely that it would be a large enough quantity to change the nutrition labels.
Tea is made from plants. All plants have proteins. The parts of the plant that we eat may or may not be a good source of protein for humans.
Practically all Chinese, Indian, and English teas are all made from the same species of plant, Camellia sinensis, simply known as a tea tree. If you were to eat the leaves they would be a good source of protein and fiber, not to mention vitamins and antioxidants. However, we discard the leaves with the fiber, and typical ways of preparing the leaves and the tea can decrease the protein and antioxidants. Its possible your brand flash freezes tthe leaves or uses some other method to try and preserve these nutrients. Ive seen some English teas that are powder you mix in instead of steeping, and this would work as well. In fact, tea leaves are absolutely edible! If you get a decent to high quality tea you can take your leaves after you make tea and throw them in a smoothie, soup, or even eggs and youll get the rest of the nutrients left in them and wont be thowing food in the bin.
The plastic ones never do, but I had a steel one growing up i played with a lot tyat lasted me a decade.
Trains for long haul. Electric trucks for last mile. Existing disel trucks for long haul sparsely populated areas.
Bluetooth range is too short and too unreliable for that that work well. A good rule of thumb is if you can’t hear the other person, neither can Bluetooth. There are apps that use WiFi or internet ofr this. This app is free for WiFi and you pay if you want to cross internet