

Moving partially to Hexbear for the emojis and larger community (I’ll still be here and using this acc)

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • We all know that it’s not a matter of if there was wrongdoing, or not. Or are they going to go raid the offices of American and other western companies next? Are they going to give them equal treatment? Or are all the inconveniences (and it certainly sounds like however you look at it it it was also that- an inconvenience, a disruption- awfully convenient, if only such diligent rule of law could be applied to less melanated, lighter haired, western individuals), somehow focused around the non-western companies who conveniently happen to come from the country that’s being slandered as the “yellow peril?” Where’s this treatment for non-Chinese?

    And let’s not forget to address the elephant in the room- Europe and the west is playing a blatant game of hypocrisy and double standards. But then, if the west did not have double standards (which even then have to be bolstered with heaping doses of lies and slander on the entire non-western, non-white world) they would have no standards at all.

    Whatever the outcome is, I’m sure we’ll see a lot of hot air on the Europeans’ side. But two can play at the same game (albeit only one side with actual legitimacy- and it’s not Europe) and I hope in time they do, and needless to say the Europeans will not enjoy what comes (entirely deserved) of that- for with even a fraction of the scrutiny, and the treatment, that China and other non-western countries receive, (and without the western smears no less) and a hell entirely of their own making (and long overdue) will be on their heads.

  • In the West’s Afghanistan campaign, for example, America, Britain and Canada bore the brunt of the 3,500 casualties, while most European participant nations lost 50 or less.

    I see, I see, which side won that war again?

    And the Afghanistan campaign was against scattered goatherders. And if that’s not the fairest comparison to the Taliban- true, and they deserve more credit for their effective anti-colonial effort; but compared to Russia on its home turf, it may as well have been hapless goatherders the west was up against in Afghanistan.

    The Euros have another thing coming if they think they can waltz in with superiority in air, armor, munitions, tech, etc… Russia will bleed them dry and then finally discard the Europeans’ pretensions of remaining great powers like a used condom in the dustbin of history.

  • Article 5 wouldn’t be triggered because the countries would be acting in Europe’s name, not Nato’s

    In other words, there would be little reason not to clean them off the face of the map- they’re valid targets and they wouldn’t have any promises from big daddy AmeriKKKa. And Russia has already said western soldiers, there in an official capacity would be struck.

    A part of me honestly hopes they try it- not sure if that’s the greater or lesser part, at that. Because while time is on our- the global south and east’s side, and the side of the true international community and overwhelming majority of humanity, if the neocons (or in the Eurocons’ case, perhaps neocucks- they have nothing but Yankee-fueled cuckery and the racist impotence of lost empires to fuel their hateful little minds) try to push their luck I don’t think Russia will flinch, and neither, I doubt, will China or Iran, even if they all would prefer peace- if peace is yet again clearly demonstrated as not an option, I expect they’ll back whatever deterrence and punishment may be necessary to get the rabid western neocon dogs to heel.

  • It gets worse, of course the guardian has a western bias to avoid the horrifying details (though corpses being stripped and bound is already horrifying enough) however. Was gonna post about this myself as I felt these horrors, like the Nazi concentration camps, are incredibly important to share, but here:

    content warning- some Auschwitz/Buchenwald type shit)

    Bodies are being found skinned, beheaded, missing organs and others, bound, were run over by bulldozers


    I was watching Richard Medhurst’s stream on Rumble yesterday and- I don’t consider myself a particularly “soft” person, if anything I feel it’s a bit the opposite where I tend to have a harsh view on life, but ultimately I had to mute it and probably will mute his streams (while still playing for support idk) most of the time from now on. Seeing the horrors over the months, and now seeing what has become of those in the hospitals is just soul-crushing, I don’t see how anyone with a heart could manage to be happy or not fall into despair when hearing or reading about in detail the horrors that befell them and that are still ongoing.

  • Frankly? If a hot war happens, and if nukes start flying, the US has to be wiped off the map. That’s my take on it- the world will never be free without it. It makes no sense to leave the empire of genocide and forever wars intact, to simply continue poisoning the entire world like you describe. If nuclear war (which is likely what said “hot war” will become) happens every bit of the Anglo-American imperial institutions must be uprooted and destroyed in their entirety.

    edit- also, either way, the sanctions have been the straw on the camel’s back- if the CPC is smart (they are) and if the rest of the BRICS is also (they generally are) they will “de-risk” from Germany and the EU either way. At this point it doesn’t matter if the sanctions are lifted; the path forward for China is to perhaps cooperate with the EU where profitable, but to chart its own course with a focus on self-sufficiency and prioritizing actually reliable partners, rather than the slimy imperialists, who will sooner or later try to sabotage them yet again. Same goes for India, Russia, and the rest of the world- frankly, western Europe and its colonial spawn have spent 500 years showing the world the treacherous, malicious nature of its institutions and societies, and thankfully this time around I think the lessons will stick (particularly because other options are now available) for most of humanity.

  • While it was hyperbole, my criteria is what I described right after- western Europe (with Ireland as the exception) and the Anglosphere have never moved past the culture of loot and plunder. Furthermore, I’d argue the white west has by and large not moved past the exclusionary concept of the ethno-state- or the white settler-state in the Anglosphere’s case- unlike real civilizations, from that of the Chinese, Soviet/post-Soviet and Orthodox, Indian (however problematic Hindutva presently is), Islamic, etc.

    I have a bias here and this is still at least partly hyperbole, but western Europe and the Anglosphere in particular strike me as the pinnacle of genuine barbarism (unlike their unfounded claims against the global south)- these societies are founded and sustained on theft, the settler-societies in particular representing if anything the destruction of actual, indigenous civilization- they are squatters, genocidaires, and essentially the national equivalent of roving bands of murderous bandits, not anything that should be considered civilization, but rather the antithesis of it (though New Zealand arguably might be close to it due to indigenization).

    As I see it, if we’re to use the word (which granted, has its own baggage and is rather problematic) actual civilization is indigenous- it is more than just the ethno-state, or a state based on a racial hierarchy, and it is independent, in the sense that it is not founded on or reliant on theft and genocide. The modern west by-and-large is if anything less civilized, than western Europe might have been 500-600 years ago before they ever started terrorizing the rest of the world IMO.

  • Agreed- the losers are Europe, and US influence and prestige (outside the west, though also potentially within as Europe is collapsing economically and anyone with the sense to recognize it knows the yanks are to blame).

    Russia’s future, and the future of humanity (including that of the masses of the west, if they can get their heads out of their asses to realize it) lies with the global south, and with multipolarity, and with that true dignity and development for all. There was short term loss, but I think Russia is and will be infinitely better off without Europe and the west, as the poisoned pool of racism, imperialism, and arrogance that the west is.

    It’s a shame it took this long, and cost so much of the Russian blood, sweat, and tears to learn this, with the loss of the Soviet Union, and even then, further encroachment and aggression until their ethnic kin were being slaughtered and persecuted right next door in their historic homelands, for the lesson to be learned. But hopefully it will stick this time- the imperialists are not to be trusted, they only seek hegemony and only offer destruction. That’s the nature of the system; no amount of whiteness, capitalism, or self-degredation will satiate it.

  • This. The “west” is infinitely worse than Russia, because the similarities end at bourgeois democracy (which could be said to be the same of the majority of the world- from Nigeria to India to Indonesia and Brazil and beyond.)

    Bourgeois (or monarchic like in Saudi Arabia, or theocratic like in Iran, etc) issues are for a society to deal with at their own pace, at their own terms, and to their discretion as far as I’m concerned. That is not to wave away all their issues, but imperialism- the highest stage of capitalism, the most monstrous and inhumane stage- is infinitely worse and utterly incomparable IMO.

    What we are talking about is not just bourgeois activity in one state, and one state alone (which in reality stands alongside- even if that is coincidental- all the AES, anti-imperialist, multipolar aspiring nations of the world at large, and which seeks peaceful and mutually beneficial development and prosperity). What we are talking about is an ideology, a structural framework, of nations (the “west” or “international community”) which has brutalized, and seeks to continue its brutalization of, every single nation and people in the world- a framework which has committed countless acts of genocide and continues to perpetuate all the worst aspects of the human condition- forever wars and racial/tribal/religious/ethnic/etc hatred and supremacy, food instability and insecurity, settler-colonial genocide and all other forms of deprivation and exploitation, etc…

    Russia’s issues are incomparable to that of the west, even if the Russian prole may be little better off than a western one, even if Russia is prone to the same “social conservative” cultural issues that exist in- frankly, near every society (and which also are issues which each society needs to deal with at their own pace- not to dismiss or excuse such issues). Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, or even India with its current Hindutva government, are still incomparable to the murderous, genocidal, inhumane, global collective effort of western nations- even the “social democrat,” “neutral” (not often directly, but indirectly imperialist) states like Sweden or Finland.

    Mere bourgeois activity constrained within a state- a state as constrained as Russia at that (and one which still bears the legacy of Soviet liberation and semi-autonomous empowerment for its indigenous peoples) is incomparable to the international bourgeois activity of the west. The US is infinitely worse than Russia, but even nations like the spineless (and arms-less) states of Germany or Italy, or the pinkwashed states of Sweden or Canada, or prosperous succdem states like Norway, are infinitely worse, because they are part of a global system that is so, and their crimes on a global stage as such are worse than all of Russia’s various internal issues combined.

  • Like the United States, but only on the surface. It’s not a hegemonic, imperialist state promoting eternal conflict, destabilization and extremists, the suppression of the global south and thus the development for the overwhelming majority of humanity, and white supremacy worldwide like the US is. Even in its treatment of (ethnic and religious, indigenous) minorities Russia is 10000x better than the US has ever been and likely will ever allow itself to be without a complete overhaul of its political system.

    Russia has its many, many problems, but as far as I’m concerned, the present US state may as well be the embodiment of evil; a greater threat to humanity than the Nazis that it inspired, and certainly every bit as willing (and in its history, guilty) of comparable atrocities.