France is west of Germany, mein Freund.
France is west of Germany, mein Freund.
There was the Snes mini a few years ago, that had a few select games on it. It was sold out everywhere instantly, to noone’s surprise. No N64 mini ever made it to production, to everyone’s surprise.
What’s your problem with Spy Hard? It follows the same Leslie Nielsen formula as Wrongfully Accused.
Fenstersturz, actually.
“Grumbern” is the same in parts of Frankonia.
Since they shut out Linux players last week. Taking away access to things someone bought, used and can’t use anymore because of something the supplier did could be interpreted as theft.
Ok, thanks for the update. I’m neither a car guy nor a native speaker.
Older (pre 2000) diesel cars needed a few seconds, sometimes a minute to “warm-up” the starter. You had to turn the ignition half way before you actually start the car. That’s the only “warming up” a car might need to function (normal circumstances).
Both, kinda. His point was (if O recall correctly) to promote a faster light rail track from Munich central station to the FJS Airport, also in Munich. The main benefit would be that you “start your flight on the train” because the transfer is seamless (in theory).
Not disagreeing with you, just want to add my flavour of “the image is stupid”.
Also, unless it’s the first move of the game, you need a word on the board to add your own with a shared letter.
Wasn’t that Reagan? I’m not in the US, so please take this as a genuine question. So far, I’ve heard nothing as bad about Clinton regarding economics.
Camilla, maybe as in Princess (?) Camilla, the wife of Charles III.?
I hope for more fireworks. Think of Kingsman: The Secret Service.
Super easy, barely an inconvenience.
I get that reference, but also I’d like to support the statement. I’ve sat on my couch for 2-3 days, frozen peas in my lap and just took it slow. A week later I could barely tell that anything changed.
When he was finally done, he approached us and I said “Hi how are you?” with a smile.
There’s probably the problem. Don’t ask a german “how are you”, they will interpret it as the start of a conversation, not a greeting. You might either get weird looks or a detailled personal and medical history of that person. In food service, you get to the point. A “Excuse me” or “Can we order please” is a way better way to initiate an order.
It would set a precedent for valve just pulling the plug on a game/marketplace. If all your digital collectibles in a game, some “worth” thousands of dollars can’t be accessed/used, everyone would start fire sales on their other inventories.
Just use Millimeter, like a professional.
Of course you have. The Draft has been active from 1954 to 2010.
If a single dollar doesn’t move the needle for you, that’s great! It reminded me of a book I read where the whole premise revolves around “how much does a single dollar more per day change your life?”
They built an interesting site: dollar street (
If all the world lived on a single street, with low income left and high income right - where are you?