Sure, and the successor won’t become corrupt when owners, industrials and richs hand over some envelopes to make things faster. Two years and 8 envelopes later, he will take it as all his peers do as well.
Sure, and the successor won’t become corrupt when owners, industrials and richs hand over some envelopes to make things faster. Two years and 8 envelopes later, he will take it as all his peers do as well.
I‘m not sure how GDP is measured for an international company such as Google. Does the entire Revenue count cos the HQ sits in the US? Or is the license fees that it pays to Bahama‘s (in order to avoid taxes) is substracted from the US GDP? Does somebody know how that is measured?
Don’t know if that helps you - here in Europe it doesn’t look better. In all countries you can choose between the crazy, the stupid and the as-always. I‘m afraid the politics machine transforms you in one of those or scares away the motivated.
Not US-based, German, but residential prices go crazy here as well.
For me it was the best decision to buy a house. For two reasons: you surf on the asset inflation as well. Moving to a new house last year wasn’t that pricey as I only had to borrow the difference old vs new bigger house.
Second reason is psychology: I don’t know somebody who has stocks in their account in same height as a house price. Paying mortgage forces you to save money. Having a (low) 6-digit stock account, feels being rich and money flows out into buying things.
If you just need the energy for the pool, a small setup without battery is all you need. Saves you half the price. Panels and inverters are around 900€ in Germany. Putting a battery on it makes another 1,200€ and it makes sense only, if you need power in the evening.
No, commenting is fast but reading is slow and clutter.
I think it came up like this: Saudi king at his last visit at Chinese Wall. „Uw, one can see it from the space? That’s awesome.“ At home: „Servants, build something as big as the Chinese Wall that is visible from the space, so everyone sees how great I am.“
It‘s also about costs for customers and affordability. In Germany, politicians of the Green (eco) Party once mentioned the idea of a meat-free day a week at school cantinas.
You will be surprised for how many people the offering of meat stands for „a standard of living“ and not getting meat was before WW2 standards for them.
I worked for TV back in these days s and we interviewed some Industry lobbyists. The common blabla as the camera was on. Typically, they tell you the entire story if the camera is off. And those stories are quite complex without Good-Bad - that’s why it’s too complicated for a 20 sec news shot.
They told us that the industry is feeding dead animals to cow’s because of the needed minerals and the costs. They can easily replace it by natural minerals, but that would raise the costs of meat. And consumers mainly choose by price. I think it’s too easy to blame the customers only. The industry is responsible as well.
I learnt two points: The industry won’t change and it will happen again - with different names and issues.
Second point: I‘m part of the issue as well and if I change my way of living, it’s better for animals and nature.
(And: As journalist you become cynical after a while. What you see in TV is a fraction of reality. Reality is just too complex for TV)
Years ago they fed them with ground animal carcasses. For the minerals. Back then at the Crazy Cow (BSE) disaster. The days I became vegetarian.
Go out and plant a tree. I’ve done mine 10 years ago.
Fck, he‘s a bot!?! Right, last video he had just 2 fingers. Oh man.
Food for another white-male-techy-western-biased AI
Reminds me on medieval houses in Europe. This on is in Amsterdam
She is under 12! Start thinking before you shout.
And btw it’s not monitor porn but porn filter
deleted by creator
True point.
My IT setup to get control of my daughter’s not-yet-rocketed-addiction is: screentime from Apple (that can be circumvented), seperated wifi for teens with on/off times (still they can use mobile network), blocked ip‘s for insta & tiktok at router level (still not all IPs in there), and a hacker-style tool called Firewalla to monitor and control their traffic with porn, youth filter-block ability (also in the router, but not sure how well this works at eg youtube)
For this setup you need some steps beyond standard IT knowhow. And still it’s only 95%. Some day they find how to get through the little holes.
Oh, this effort for 3-4 hrs screen time a day including podcasts and whatsapp.
Next step will be to separate devices. She wants a new phone for birthday. Then we put Spotify for the podcasts on the old phone and block everything else. The new phone for the rest with even more reduced screen time.
Covid period was a sour wake up call for Chinese citizens. Poor people. Hope they somehow find a change of living and rulers.