I’ve been thinking it’s just a rebranding of the idea of karma, which is old as dirt. “The Law of Attraction” is just the way I’ve seen it discussed online in its most recent manifestation (pun intended)
I’ve been thinking it’s just a rebranding of the idea of karma, which is old as dirt. “The Law of Attraction” is just the way I’ve seen it discussed online in its most recent manifestation (pun intended)
To all the people downvoting: “Law of Attraction” is not a lay person’s way of saying “Law of Gravity”.
It’s the belief online that “if I give off good vibes, good vibes will be attracted back to me. You know, because everything is, like, made up of vibrating strings, and stuff” (that last bit is just the connection to String theory OP mentioned)
OP is not endorsing these beliefs, just observing them.
Sorry, anime is “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End”, if you’re interested. Frieren is the elf.
Girl on the left is an elf from an anime. “Soon” for her may be… A decade or so? No time at all, really
You say that like he wouldn’t have been dead pretty soon anyways. From a different point of view, he robbed the world of getting to execute him themselves. (Yes, bloodthirsty, but something they may have thought about at the time)
Couple things.
We’d probably end up with a situation where wild deer don’t have the gene and city deer do, excepting any cross-breeding.
Ah, missed that. Yeah, I see where you’re coming from.
I feel a little bad for such a short response, but fair enough. Good points all around.
Sorry, American here. Did WW3 start and I missed it? Is it Ukraine/Russia? Israel/Palestine? Horrible though they are, they seem pretty contained this far, unless something new happened I haven’t seen anything about.
I think that only applies if you can make an argument that the two characters are distinct. Your Mickey/Steamboat Willie example is good because they are distinct (slightly different looks, and different names). Another good example is Sherlock Holmes. There was a big lawsuit where the current rights holders tried to argue that the later works are still under copyright just because Sherlock has emotions, and he didn’t in the earlier stories. I don’t remember how the suit turned out though.
In the context of the article, they’re talking about the fact that news outlets aren’t getting enough ad revenue to sustain themselves, and people don’t really buy classifieds in papers anymore.
Saving this for later, as I want to hear responses as well.
Also, slight spoiler ::: spoiler spoiler Has the most Cox on screen of any Marvel show so far :::
Finished first episode. Starts with some new stuff, then does a quick recap of what happened in Maya’s life through the end of Hawkeye. If you watched that, you can skip it, as I didn’t see anything new. Then, the second half sets up the central conflict for the season.
Some unexpected elements, which you’ll see in the first few minutes. The show might not be a straight up crime drama like I was expecting (but will probably mostly be a crime drama).
Some fun, subtle, stuff in fight scenes involving the fact that Maya has a prosthetic leg.
Secondary characters seem fun so far, especially her cousin, who I hope survives the series (but probably won’t, cause no one is allowed to be happy)
Rating 3.5/5, because recap was slightly boring.
Oh, that released? Dang… I need to get on that…
In Unix shell scripts 1 is false, so there’s that
I don’t think it was in the 2003 version, so it might matter which version you watched. But it was the notes Ed deciphered which let him know that Philosophers Stones are made of people
Ain’t nobody told you to hurt me like that… Right in the feels man…