“The West needs to change its views: sanctions against Russia don’t work that way” - https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Die-Sanktionen-gegen-Russland-funktionieren-so-nicht-article24416089.html
“The West is making Russia stronger than it is” - https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2023-11/sanktionen-russland-wladimir-putin-krieg
“Loopholes in sanctions? Sanctions against Russia: the country was not ready” - https://www.srf.ch/news/schweiz/schlupfloecher-bei-sanktionen-russland-sanktionen-bund-war-nicht-vorbereitet
“The Russian economy is growing: why don’t sanctions work anymore?” - https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/russlands-wirtschaft-wachst-warum-wirken-die-sanktionen-nicht-10306972.html
“Economic sanctions against Russia: bans are only conditional” - https://taz.de/Wirtschaftssanktionen-gegen-Russland/!5950928/
“It’s not just about China: sanctions against Russia don’t work” - https://www.focus.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-krise/das-liegt-nicht-nur-an-china-sanktionen-gegen-russland-funktionieren-nicht_id_259489953.html
It took them two years to understand this problem?
Some people are slow learners it seems. The hilarious part is that the time to do this analysis was before they started trying to do an economic war with Russia.
Racism has deprived them of the ability to look at the world dialectically.
Money and Macro made a good video on the sanctions.
I bet these sanctions are going to be studied by economists for decades to come as an example of a disastrous economic warfare blowback.
We sanctioned ourselves into a recession which we are going to fix by privatizing the few public services we have left 👍 EU will become the next US, and Wall Street wins.
Every capitalist crisis ends up being used for dismantling the public sector.
So THAT’s why China eliminated its visa requirements
To allow Europeans to immigrate to China
Fuck them they deserve it. America worshipping cucks. Do any politicians have national pride or do they all simp for foreign powers while pretending to know anything about Germany in the 18th century?
Sanctions work when it is the US+EU vs Iran or Venezuela. Sanctions don’t work anymore when it is US+EU vs Iran + Venezuela + China + Russia. This is just decoupling with extra steps, and reduces US+EU competitiveness.
Sanctions are a weapon, and the more it is used, the less effective it is, since an alternative world economy typically develops around it.
Heard somewhere that sanctions only work against allies.
even there, they “work” by making life harder for the ordinary people, but when have sanctions ever toppled the government and ushered in a US-friendly puppet?
cos that’s what the US claims to want to get from sanctioning, and i dont see it actually working
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When your economic system is so shitty than excluding a country from it actually benefits them
I recall I watched an interview with the Belarusian ambassador, and he pointed out how after the west started sanctioning them and they had to start doing trade with other countries, their profits from trade increased even though overall volume of trade decreased. Which is an indicator that the west was ripping them off.
What are the odds that the sanctions will be lifted? In my view there is 0 zero chance US allows that.
Yup. Zero chance. No matter how much Germany suffers from continuing to impose them we won’t be allowed to lift them by our masters in Washington and Brussels. Harming Russia is only a secondary objective of the sanctions. Their primary goal was to neuter Europe as a competitor to the US.
Exactly. The US is colonizing its allies. The US will drain the EU for everything it has.
EU, also known in Washington as “emergency food ration”
It’s wild how childlike their understanding of sanctions are. Like, “oh, this will hurt their economy” without undertaking trade networks outside of the sanctioning parties. Or the relative trade positions of those parties