Nothing nsfw please
Do apps count?
Counting apps do.
Nobly is one that helps people pay it forward with good deeds.
You know IMDB? Well there’s also IMFDB, Internet Movie Firearms Data Base. You can look up any movie and figure out what guns were used in it.
For example here’s the one for the movie HEAT (1995)
And also for watches
One night, I stumbled on a website posting the thoughts and words of Joseph Duncan, who killed a family in northern Idaho. As well as others in other states. He was on death row and wasn’t allowed internet access, but he was getting his words out there, and someone was posting for him.
He went into many details of what led to those Idaho murders. Things that were never mentioned in the press. How he came to be there and very intimate details of that night and things that happened after. It was not easy to read, but I had this weird sense of obligation to continue once I started. Like I would be doing the family a disservice if I didn’t read what they had gone through that night. Sounds weird, I know. There are certain scenes of it that I’ll never get out of my head.
When he was caught with the lone survivor, he had kidnapped (kidnapped two but killed the boy not long after), I was just down the street at a different restaurant. I had just moved to the area when the murders happened.
He also went into detail about him taking and killing a boy in southern California, which was near where I grew up.
I don’t remember the website name, and I imagine it is gone now since he died of cancer in 2020.
I’m assuming this is it ?
curiosity got me so I did a search for his name with “writings” and a reddit post came up with this link. I haven’t read any of it yet…
I’m stoned and don’t know what I was expecting but that made me giggle a lot, and I’m also reeeealy glad I have food warming up, otherwise I would be really upset. 😂