This came up in my health care forum.
Right now, you can legally detain someone medically when they are a danger to themselves or others for up to 72hrs. The details vary by state, but this is how we lock down individuals trying to suicide or someone mentally off the rails making threats of violence.
This variation on that law would also make opposition to Trump qualify.
Civil commitment can follow as with individuals who have profound mental illness and are not safe to be out in the world.
This is the loudest scream that democracy is dead short of hauling people out into the street and shooting them.
It’s important to note the police are currently the people who bring individuals in for the 72hr mental health holds.
this is the begining of the hard line ‘send the disableds and crazies to work camp’. This would bag more artists, history teachers, and journalists than many folks realize.
Wouldn’t be that hard to add a little language to make it anyone disagreeing with supreme cheeto or his generous sponsors/overlords.
I really home Minnesota residents are kicking hard over this. I better check my local leg website and see if we have anything similar coming up. Might as well make an RSS feed about it…
Where are all those tyranny fighters with their guns?
Hello? Freedom fighters?
Right here! Best I can do is shoot them through the door when they come for me. Exactly what else can I do?
And be damned glad so many of us are armed or the fascists would be cutting through us like butter. Their next steps will soon be limiting or taking guns from the left and minorities. This proposal is part of that.
Hello? Freedom Fighters?
If fire fighters fight fire, and crime fighters fight crime, what do you think a “freedom fighter” actually fights?
Dun dun duuuunnnnnnn
And yet, there is actual proof (albeit circumstantial) that conservatism is literally the result of brain damage. (eg. Fetterman)
Gotta love the unintentional irony of a bill that addresses the supposed mental illness of Trump opponents in such a way that it vividly illustrates the very real mental illness of Trump supporters.
Guess who they learned this one from:
Their projection is wild- assume anything that they accuse their opponents of, they are guilty of that thing. I’m not aware of any examples that don’t track
Stay classy conservatives: “Anyone who disagrees with me is mentally ill.”
I’ve been dealing with abuse from people like this since 2020. There is a war going on. People need to start understanding that.
It’s not a game anymore.
Fascism isn’t at the door anymore. It’s a home invasion.
Michael Savage has been broadcasting this precise message to conservatives since 1995.
An involuntary mental health hold will also restrict your rights to firearms for a long time afterwards too and need to involve psychiatrists and courts agreeing you are no longer a danger to yourself or others.
Which makes now the best time to get a firearm if you’re considering it. Just be sure to sign up for some training classes too.
First they try and steal the legislature, now they try and make protest a mental condition. Obviously this won’t go anywhere but the fact that 5 people signed onto this lunacy says plenty.
obviously won’t go anywhere? I wouldn’t take that for granted at all.
In the state where Tim Walz is governor and the R only have a barely 50% in one house I would see it as trolling at best.
Sometimes trolling gathers momemtum or is an effective exhaustion tactic. Probably good tobsend thank u notes to representitives who vote to protect their constituency from this b.s.
Idk why anyone would try to minimize this horror show. It’s not something we can sleep through and expect to wake up from.
Link didn’t work for me.
Change it to put a mental health hold on any person that supports Trump and you got yourself an accurate, useful bill.
Will the 72 hours count against my pto?