While Elon indulges in political theater and self-aggrandizing quips, Tesla is experiencing an unprecedented slump in both sales and stock value.
“I am close to tears. That is a human reaction, right?”
It is. Which is why I doubt its true.
crocodile tears, of a Felon.
So… stop? You have more money than anyone could ever spend. Just fuck off already. Stop being so fucking evil.
He can’t. He’s all in for fascism. There’s no going back to the shadows for him, he’ll always be known as a Nazi oligarch. He said he would be going to jail if Trump didn’t win. We know he’s got ties with Putin so he might be being blackmailed into being the bad guy [not that he was good before, but at least he l wasn’t toppling democracies before].
He supported the coup in Bolivia
For cheap lithium that he could have paid for anyway.
He can’t. He’s all in for fascism
Nah. He has no interest in fascism. Fascism would hurt his bottom line immensely. He just tries to use his government position to give his companies, and by extent himself, more money.
The dude is motivated by money, not morals or his political compass.
Boo hoo hoo poor wittle musky
Damn, did they up the size of his sympathy violin again?!?
I’d say so lol.
Holy shit, that little thing is playing a cello !
Rockin’ out!
Still too big, but I appreciate the visual.
I used to have a picture of a tardigrade playing a violin but couldn’t find it, so this was the alternative.
I think somebody posted it in the thread, it’s magnificent
deleted by creator
Cry harder, little bitch. Hope you get fired the same way you fired thousands of federal workers.
If he really cared maybe he should stop stretching himself thin, get out of DOGE, and stick to selling shitty cars
The earlier Tesla’s weren’t so shitty. Not more than your average Kia/Hyundai EV anyhow in terms of being a car. The self-driving shit is another story.
Cybertruck has been a dumpster fire since inception though.
Yeah, if Elon could drop the politics, hand off X, and go back to just being a major investor in tech companies that actually have some pretty cool ideas, that’s be great.
Don’t you want justice or revenge?
Revenge is overrated, and justice against the mega rich is rare.
If guy could cut down on the K, learn to not be such a dick and go back to being the figure behind businesses that actual did have good overall intent (electric vehicles, global Internet access, etc) instead of bullshit politics or seig-heils that’d be good for everyone.
I admire your willingness to forgive or at least forget.
I’m not going to be satisfied until the power he’s been abusing is completely taken away
Oh he absolutely needs to be stripped of that and barred from any association with politics, just to make sure that if he goes away he stays away
I think the damage is done even if he were to backtrack. People will just assume he’s backtracking because of money and that’s it. Not because of his actual ideals
He needs to retire back to SAfrica.
Lol get fucked you dumb cunt.
He’s not running the buisnesses he spends most of his time high on ketamine shitposting on twitter.
Nah, he’s definitely running them. Straight into the ground.
I hope elon musk dies alone and unloved in tremendous pain. When he dies I will be throwing a party. Him and Trump.
And afraid. They should be full of fear, pain, and loneliness when they go into the dark.
While wearing uncomfortable underwear!
And wet socks!
And itchy buttholes!
And hangnails!
I mean, this is how everyone goes so at least we got that going for us.
Unfortunately, this is how everyone goes.
Not me! Crispr will save me and I’ll live forever actually SORRY
Not me, I have hedged all my bets on the tech sector making Artificial Super Intelligence any day now and that invention will allow me personally (and everyone else somehow) to make all the best financial and health decisions so I will be the richest, healthiest person in the world! (Along with everyone else)
Not close enough. I want to see tears of blood after what I’ve seen him put our country through. Fuck this neo-Nazi chucklefuck.
I’ve been calling him the ‘knob job nazi’ after hearing about his fucked up wang
I love watching Nazis cry.
Then just fucking die already. Bitch ass.
Still worth billions but whining. Go sit in a corner, Nazi.
How the fuck is this moron in the position that he is?
People with inherited wealth are treated like they are smart, capable, and credible when billionaire nepo babies are really the worst at everything except sucking and dying.
how good they are at dying is TBD, but we should find out ASAP. you know, so we know how safe to keep them.
Its because, if you are handed inherited wealth and all the privilege in the world, there really isn’t an excuse to NOT be better than everyone. Yet… they never are. At least nobles back in the day actually tried to be better than everyone else. Nobles these days don’t even try.
because virtue and ability are not what get you elevated in society.
we live with a kind of socially affected dualism, and there are three things that elevate you in society: validating the fantasy world, having money, and doing violence against reality on behalf of the fantasy.
some degree of the fantasy(/ies) is unavoidable; it’s necessary for communication and collaboration at scale, maybe even complex thoughts. we build out waaaaaay extra to enable and justify horrible things, alienate the fantasy ever farther from reality to justify toxic power structures and appease the crowds with ever wilder delusion, ever less justifiable as scientists engineers and some public intellectuals create new models that edge ever closer to how reality works.
musk is the ultimate beneficiary of all this nonsense. he lives in a parasitic fantasy world, one that leeches upon all of our minds. some more than others, because the distribution of resources are determined by the logic of that fantasy, rather than any reasoning based in, or at least nearby to, material reality.
How the fuck does he not know why Tesla is in the state that its in??
He hired people to do the work for him.
Cry more.
Stupid shit like this does more damage to conservative shitheads than any amount of “intellectual dismantling” of their ideology. This is their level of petty attacks on appearances, this is all they really know.
The left needs to get a lot stupider and a lot more superficial a lot faster if we hope to beat them.
The problem is, being petty is against lefty values. Take King Charles and his fat fingers. When lefty’s were making of him, there were probably a few fat fingered innocents out there with the same condition who felt self conscious. And that’s unfair. Making fun of appearances is untargeted and hurts those in the crossfire. But the problem is IT’S SO EFFECTIVE FOR OPTICS AND MORALE.
So either we give up that effective campaign for ethical reasons, or we just collectively let some people take the L for the advancement of leftist morale and publicity. It’s a doozy!
I mean, at this point you get to choose between hurting the feelings of innocent bystanders or we get to be the smuggest people in the camps who feel great about ourselves for not “stooping to their level.”
Consideration and care is great when you have the stable society that allows you to take that time and care. It’s arguable if we ever really had that stability, but we definitely do not right now. This is just like the people who couldn’t vote for Harris because of her position about Israel. Yes, you’re ethically correct in the linear little world of your own feelings about doing the right thing, but would those people make the same decision now?
There’s a saying where I’m from “You can be the last righteous man or the last man standing” mind you this in context to killing Mormons but still I think the Left as a whole needs it etched in their fucken skulls. Is there really a point in holding punches if the other person has a knife, id say no since they aren’t holding back. Don’t hold your tongue when dealing with fascists just make sure it bites, throw a couple slurs around if ya have to.
I’m saddened but also unsurprised that so many of my countrymen would rather the nation fall in flames to fascism than “sink to their level.”
There are at least a couple slurs I readily fall back on when dealing with these… people, but I routinely am attacked by my so-called-allies for not being “civil.”
It’s a real testament to the effectiveness of KGB social disruption tactics that our whole nation is so afraid of being accused of being bigoted that we have allowed bigotry to not only flourish, but install itself in the highest seats of power.