Looks deserving as well
The tourists may need to cut back on the treats
Już nie, ponoć znalazł dom/dał się udomowić
That’s good to hear!
He has found a new home and he is happy and not so chubby anymore :)
YAAAY!!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I’m so glad he’s got a nice, good home and is happy and at a healthier weight. That makes me happy.
It speaks well of that towns people that a homeless cat was eating that well.
Back in the day local homeless cats were frequent beneficiaries of my town’s rotisserie chicken food truck
I have replaced your child.
~ Gacek
Can confirm, there was no better tourist attraction in Szczecin.
Good for cat, bad for tourists. They have to settle for the architecture /s
Or, Poseidon forbid, the sea.
That is damn hard to spell with all those consonants. Stay classy Poland!
You could use the old german name Stettin, but that might be a bit politically charged :D
How the hell is this a meme? Good lord the mindless upvoting of absolute crap is pathetic.
My disappointment was immeasurable when I found out I can’t go and pet him, and I really wanted to… 😢
This happened during our visit to Victoria (BC). There’s a cat marked on Google Maps near the Transcanada Mile Zero marker. Wasn’t there, unfortunately.