If you don’t allow legal peaceful strikes, you will only create illegal violent strikes down the road.
Canadian, sysadmin, trans rights are human rights, puncha-the-nazis, cats are pretty great, GNU Terry Pratchett.
If you don’t allow legal peaceful strikes, you will only create illegal violent strikes down the road.
I heard Royal Canadian Air Farce guy imitating Preston Manning there. Refooooooorrrm.
F off, cleanshirt!
“The avalanche has started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.”
“Cake” in “let them eat cake” is “brioche”. I had thought that cake meant cheap chemically leavened bread-ish, but it actually was an out of touch elite being genuinely confused about bread shortages, not someone callously suggesting the peasants eat shittier food.
Also it probably wasn’t Marie Antoinette.
We tax land as a percentage of its value. Why not stocks?
I believe they lacked the metallurgy to make high pressure steam vessels.
In BC it depends on your status. Asylum seekers can apply after a waiting period. Tourists should get a private insurance plan, or you’ll have to pay for it at whatever the BC Medical rates are, which should be pretty reasonable compared to US rates. Permanent Residents would probably already be covered.
Redhat 1997. Slackware, Storm Linux, then Debian 2001 to present. A brief year on the OSS Solaris release.
We had taglines and bbs signatures. Those were pretty similar.
I would say no* but the asterisk has a few paragraphs involving funding sustainability, cryptobro involvement, and dubious decentralization.
Looseleaf earl grey and 20 years of debian.
Lose the sugar and add a date or two. Makes it whip up into a totally different consistency for some reason.
Well, whatever’s left after the landlords and care homes take their cut.
Can you call it required if he’ll end up being president anyway?
That’s one way to run Ukraine out of ammunition, I suppose.
Amen. I’ve been making a good buck selling calls on TSLA this last week.
There is often very limited table space and stacking the dishes can be more about making room than server convenience.
That said, obviously don’t be dumb about it. Stack dishes properly and maybe stick the utensils in a cup so they aren’t at risk of falling during transport.
Yeah. This is a plot point used in a few stories, eg Carl Sagan’s “Contact”