When I first got VR, I played Skyrim on PS4. One morning, I woke up to pee and held my hands by my sides as if using an invisible controller to aim my movement and kind of glided across the floor. Realized what I was doing by the time I got to the door.
I’ve occasionally been doing the reverse in a way. When playing on my Steam Deck my brain wants me to blow away the Steam menu after I’m done with it. No idea why my brain is trying to get me to do that
Man I had this after drawing a lot in procreate, then drawing on pen and paper again I tried to two-finger tap the sheet of paper to undo.
Apple user 👉
Happened to me once, lol
Wait until this isn’t funny anymore
I did this on a book a few weeks ago and I’ve never felt so dumb.
I read on e-readers a lot and I’ve been known to long press a word on the page of a real book to get a definition. Yeah… Muscle memory is a hell of a thing.
I’ve never wanted an e-reader before, but I didn’t know that was a feature.
I’ve always said a good book makes you read the dictionary. But this would make it so much easier.
I also read some things in the languages I’m trying to learn, and this feature is essential for translating words I don’t know yet.
Plus, the backlight (adjusted for warmth so as not to keep me up) lets me read in bed with the light off and I don’t have to get up to turn it off when I’m done.
I was very pro only real books for a while, and still am a fan of a real book, but the quality of life features of e-readers eventually sold me. Especially because night is one of the few times I can read.
I’ve gotten so used to pausing podcasts that I have tried to pause people who are rambling on the phone
I sometimes find myself slightly frustrated that I can’t hang up in real life.
Told this before in other places, and loosely speaking, it’s kind of timely.
20 or so years ago, re-playing the original Half-Life (thus “timely” because of the recent updates and 25th anniversary of it), I had a relative sat behind me watching me play.
They asked me a question about something or other, and I immediately turned around to answer them.
In game.
I still remember where I was in the game and the milliseconds of confusion, realisation and feeling of stupidity.
That game was, is, pretty engrossing to be fair.
Okay but this sort of inclination actually happens if you spend quite a long time in VR… No, I have not recently tried to pull my phone to me. Not recently…