I played Inside recently. Sure games like RDR2 and Cyberpunk 2077 are great games but Inside deserves love too. I’m not trying to say it’s underrated as I read it received awards and is listed as one of the best games, I’m just raising awareness for it.
Disco Elysium for sure. The story enraptured me and the characters had so much depth
Yeah, enjoyed quite a few games this year, but nothing got into my head quite like DE. I hope so bad that we could expect some kind of follow-up to that masterpiece.
Definitely Jusant. It was just such a perfect game for me when I played it, chill but engaging in exactly the way I needed it, and something about the story just went straight into my heart unlike any other!
I’ve only got a little bit into the game so far and man everything about the game just hits home. If it were just a bit bigger or more freeform it might have been my favorite. I love the weird but recognizable world! Reading letters that sound like they could be straight out of our future hit really well.
Unfortunately it trails a bit behind Seasons A Letter To The Future for me though because it’s less open.
Diddy Kong Racing.
Nice. I started Ratchet & Clank on PCSX2 yesterday. Holy hell is that Emulator a work of art. The graphical options for the emu make that PS2 game still shine and the gameplay is lotsa fun. Sadly the libretro core for Retroarch/Emulationstation bugged out for me and was slow compared to standalone PCSX2.
Also I’m still puzzled how it’s possible there are so many retro-achievements for so many games. I looked up how to implement them and it’s really complicated. I totally underestimated how big the retro games scene still is. I really want to get into the netplay thing.
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