It’s a no-brainer
I feel like a zombie wouldn’t be able to consent. If they can speak intelligently, they’re not a zombie, they’re something else.
As for marriage, I think the contract would be automatically void, “til death do us part” and all that.
There are examples of thinking zombies in media. Tales From the Crypt had some.
Going to the chapel and I’m gonna get buried!
i’ll marry u once u come back. pls don’t have your parts sagging too much,
You mean like, how do you find one to marry, or what are best practices within a marriage to a zombie?
Maybe both.
Checkout the republican primaries?
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Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Warm Bodies would be much more relevant to OP’s question. But SOTD is a better movie.
First you gain control of time and space. Then recreate the world with zombies as a thing.
That’s the neat part, you don’t.
There is some sort of joke about head here but I can’t find it.
There’s doujinshi about that but I’m afraid I can’t post it.
Hi Tina