Breaking peoples games after 4 months will do that
Nothing is broken, people are choosing to not abide by the terms they accepted to when the bought the game.
I do not think enough people are aware of the limits to who can make the newly required accounts.
So for those who can’t have a PSN account the failure was on them for buying the game anyway, since it was included on the store page, terms, and shows up on launch. Now, I agree they should get a refund if it locks them out the game. For the rest of the caterwauling, what will they do when Steam denies their refund after playing 200hours? Boycott Steam?
File support tickets directly with Arrowhead
File a complaint with your local government body, I believe in Australia it is illegal to break a game after the fact. To substantially change how it runs to hold it hostage.
But even in other jurisdictions, even 1, 000 disgruntled gamers filing small claims against arrowhead would consume an outsized amount of resources to respond to.
Make noise, be disgruntled, don’t play the game, file a negative review, create busy work for the perpetrators. They’re stealing time and money from you, it’s fair to do it to them. But legally
You really are a dick
I’ve been called worse by better people. People who don’t read things that they are agreeing to and then complain they don’t like it after the fact should take the lesson and move on.
Here is the lesson i take out of it - if buying isn’t owning, then piracy isn’t stealing.
In general, even as a company, in most of the civilized world, you don’t get to just write stuff in some ToS and fuck around. Consumer protection agencies do care about this.
Sorry, on page 10,782 it says that if you don’t make a PSN account you have to become a slave. You signed it!
If your replying to this thread on mobile, I would like to remind you that you never read the EULA to your phone either (this would have taken several hours for android and slightly less for iOS) . You just saw the blurp “accept terms and conditions” and moved on with your life like everyone else did. There is no expectation to read usage contracts for small, non-bussiness purchases.
Also, your opposition to this discourse is futile… The ball is in Sony/Arrowheads court. We will see if they compromise with players in eastern europe, or double down to become the next Battlefront 2 (pride and accomplishment yall!). As for me, ill let the paint dry and move on if I feel they resolved this poorly. Lets see if EDF6 can stick the landing.
It wasn’t hidden in some legalese riddled document. It was listed on the store page on the right side where they put all the requirements for outside accounts. I get there are people who don’t want to have to install other launchers and make other accounts, but it was there. To complain that they are now enforcing it when it was obviously disclosed and claim it was a bait and switch are wrong.
Should they have sold it to countries Sony doesn’t serve? Obviously not.
Hold on let me just slip a note that says “you agree to give up your rights” in to the computers my clients buy, that means I’m covered right?
I’m with you buddy.
the virgin EULA worshipper vs the chad consumer rights advocate
virgin EULA worshipper
It’s actually not even in either EULA published on the steam page. This is just a shill.
lol that’s even worse
The Ol’ hivemind. I type this will dropping in to kill some bug hives.
“anyone who disagrees with me are part of the ‘hive mind’, the only way to not be part of a hive mind is if you agree with all the things I believe. You know, like some sort of hive mind.”
Nah man, it’s just a bunch of individuals that happen to agree that you’re an idiot.
Well, I’m glad I didn’t end up buying it last week like I wanted to. I decided to wait another paycheck instead.
Saved me wasting time or money.
Honestly people shit on review-bombing over specific incidents but this is the kind of thing that 100% deserves it.
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I am curious how this is going to effect the number of active players. I know a lot of people who were trying to get me to play this saying it was here to stay and not a trend like a Lethal Company but I feel like this hurdle might be enough to get them to give up.
I definitely have a low level of tolerance for Russian nesting dolls of accounts and launchers.
I’d be surprised if it really has much of an impact on number of players tbh.
Most people don’t care, Lemmy/Reddit are a vocal minority.
The game racked up over 10k negative reviews in 90 minutes yesterday. People are pissed. There’s also the issue of PSN only being available in a about a third of all countries.
I just uninstalled the game over this and I have 350+ hours.
I bought the game on release week. I don’t play often but when I do it’s with friends. After hearing about this incident my plan was to wait a few days or a week to see how it resolves before deciding if I want to refund the game. However, enough of my friends have already refunded the game that, if they don’t come back, I likely won’t be playing much if at all anyway so I’ll probably refund the game this week as well, especially if nothing changes.
I didn’t get the game because it’s packed full of all the terrible corporate stuff you see in terrible corporate games. Always Online, Rootkit anticheat, in-game store to purchase items when the game is already expensive. I doubt adding “must give your information to Sony” is going to be the tipping point for anyone who is fine with everything else.
Why does a fully cooperative game needs an anti-cheat software in the first place. I don’t give a fuck about cheaters as long as its not competitive. Deep rock galactic for example works great without all of this bullshit.
deleted by creator
I signed into an old PSN account when I first downloaded the game near launch. It is in game. No launcher. I signed in once and forgot about it until right now. Not really a big deal. If your worried about security make some bogus email up and make an account that way. But other than signing in one time it hasn’t been a deal. 🤷♂️
Yeah, I used my old PS3 account. I didn’t even think twice about it. I’m not sure why people are freaking out about it?
I play with a couple of friends in the Baltics. I have PSN. There is no PSN in the Baltics. So I guess I can’t play with the friends I solely bought this game for.
Just because it doesn’t affect you doesn’t mean it’s silly to complain about this.
Can they not create a Playstation account regardless of PSN service availability?
No because it is not available in their country, and making an account with a region different from your Steam account would have inherent EULA risks.
Hopefully Sony will see this as the biggest problem and do something about it. I don’t think these people should have been able to spend money on this for it to be taken away, but that’s a storefront issue as well. Steam and Sony will have to make some decisions about this, cause it wasn’t thought out and implemented very well. They should’ve had some stronger safeguards.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a game on Steam with “Overwhelmingly Negative” reviews before. Usually “Mixed” is already a good indicator to leave your hands off a game.
That’s because there’s a review count requirement for both the extremely good and the extremely negative level. So you can’t buy your own game, review it, and have it be overwhelmingly positive because the only review is positive. Thing is, bad games tend to not get bought by many people, so overwhelmingly negative is rare. So yes, mixed reviews are already damming.
It’s no accident that many of these games are releasing their anti-features only after millions have purchased them and missed their return window.
EA did the same recently with Kernel anti-cheat in games they haven’t serviced in years, games that actively cannibalise their latest titles!
Less players means less server running costs. Helldivers 2 might turn back or end up with this disastrous policy (for consumers) but until we have regulations on this, many companies will see the benefit of rugpulling software.
Supposedly steam is allowing returns no matter the playtime.
that’s good, surprising though because technically it’s not their policy
I guess they don’t like being sued. And I think they will just take the money for the refunds from Sony’s payout.
Deserved. It’s just not necessary. Think, why would a multi-billion dollar company want you to sign up for some other service, even if it’s free? Because they want your data, and they want to sell it.
Theoretically their community management tools are based on PSN, which does make some sense. This is the official reason for it. Of course they’re also hoovering up all your data to sell also. That’s the reason that gives them more money, so the real reason.
I mean, it IS their own game. Let’s not be disingenuous, they would be doing the same even if it was Steam data.
Another victory lap for patient gamers.
There is a lifetime of content to consume without taking video games or the internet into account. You are optional.
Patient gaming is great for single player games. Not so much for live service.
You say that, but it clearly worked here. And, for live service games in general, playing The Waiting Game™ lets you see how bullshit said live service ends up becoming after a awhile.
I was waiting until some sort of offline mode since I’ve been burned by The Crew, I don’t think it’s happening considering how anal they are being about a PSN account.
But if you were impatient and played it on release you could have played it without requiring a PSN account.
And now they would need to fight for a refund, only some people got it, others are on their 5th try.
I just started BioShock Infinite. I am only a few years behind.
Bioshock Infinite is 11 years old
Pretty fun so far. Bonus, it runs at 4k 144fps highest graphics.
I sure am happy i didnt buy this earlier because of the enforced rootkit.
Kernel Level Anti Cheat… In a co-op game!?
Why they did this is beyond me! 😔
Oh no! Billy cheated his way to a new cape!! 🙄
It really is quite silly. There aren’t even leaderboards or anything
Billy cheating made you unlock everything in 1 too, that’s their reasoning at least.
And fair enough, but you need to install a rootkit on my machine so Billy can’t get me a new cape?!
Some countries like Ukraine are told that they need a console to make an account, you can’t make this shit up lmao
Sony has a record of not respecting its workers, users or consumers.
2005 Sony BMG copy protection rootkit scandal
Now they want more userdata and kernel level anticheat. Surely there is no way for this to backfire
Is the last two their fault? They were attacked.
Yes. Their platform, their security. Their failure to secure their users data is solely their fault. Notice that other platforms don’t have this issue. You’d think after the first one, they’d fucking pony up and take security seriously. Sony didn’t learn anything.
If it was just one event, I’d advocate for leniency. But Sony doesn’t get that from me.
Weren’t we all discussing enshittification the other day?
I’m not sure how requiring an account in addition to the Steam account is enshittification. Especially given that it was intended to be the case from the start, but they temporarily disabled it due to technical issues.
For anyone who actually cares this was a requirement from the start they paused it due to some issues.
People need to read stuff before buying it.
Yeah but also it’s a bullshit requirement. Should be removed imo.
It’s a crossplay mandatory game, if you’re a dick, PSN wants a way to block you. No different than getting VAC banned.
This isn’t steam servers, it’s Sony servers. What do you want?
Then VAC ban the steam account since you sold on steam. The game worked fine for months after launch without requiring a PlayStation account and would continue to work fine otherwise.
The most major issue is that BECAUSE they didn’t enforce a tiny part of their terms of use that is a dealbreaker for most users, those users will now be unable to refund the game due to steam’s “2 hours playtime = no refund” rule
The most major issue is that BECAUSE they didn’t enforce a tiny part of their terms of use that is a dealbreaker for most users, those users will now be unable to refund the game due to steam’s “2 hours playtime = no refund” rule
It was required from the start, why are buying something without knowing if it will even run first? Its hilarious the amount of people defending something that’s people’s own stupidity.
Quite the sad reflection of reality unfortunately.
I don’t have a PSN account. I was able to log in and play without using a PSN account. At no point was I told that a PSN account would be required to play. My very reasonable assumption. Is that the PSN account requirement was listed for crossplay, or managing socials with PS players. If the game had not worked from day one, or if I had been notified in the game that this was merely a temporary solution, and that I would be unable to play at all in the coming months, then I would have refunded without even trying.
So no, despite what the little label said, PSN account was not required to play the game. It worked fine without the PSN account.
In an ideal world, the requirement would be removed. Since the availability of the game has arbitrarily changed a lot in the last 2 days, Sony should at least offer full refunds and an apology to the community.
There was literally a splash screen you accepted when you loaded up the game the first time.
You have no excuse, bye.
I don’t need to make an excuse. You’re making excuses, even more pathetic, you’re making excuses for a megacorp trying to datamine their customers by changing the conditions for use of the game that they already bought.
Can someone explain what is the big deal of creating a Playstation account? I know they’ve added the requirement retroactively, and I know everyone wants steam to be it’s own thing, but this is not really a unique situation… I have a lot of games across many publishers that have their own useless accounts tied to it. What makes this different?
its past the refund window, PSN only allows 69 countries to make an account, so 66% of the countries in the world are simply not able to make an account at all. Depending on how things shake out, those players will be locked out of hell divers.
If this hadn’t been retroactive, then our gaming brothers from i.e. the Philippines would have bought the game, tried to run it, hit the wall, and refunded it… sucks but they wouldn’t have lost time or money… but now… they lose both.
Ah see, that’s the context I needed. Thank you. Outside a refund window or not - if I were in a country that got locked out, steam had better be real gracious with their refunds. That scenario is unacceptable. Strange that PSN restricts themselves geographically… they absolutely should have thought of that before allowing the game to be sold in those countries.
This isn’t something they tried to sneak past people, they were upfront about the issues and said there would be a grace period before they implemented the pairing originally planned at launch.
Edit for source jan it was part of steams requirements
So they sold it to people they knew couldn’t comply with the TOS, then started enforcing the TOS four months later.
They know where their customers live. They know customers ignore system requirements if the game works.
Steams the one selling it, not Sony. And the restrictions were active for about a week.
You seem to missing quite a few extremely important details.
Wow what the fuck has happened?!
They’re mandating you have a playstation account to play on PC. That was always in the terms, and on the steam page, but you didn’t have to. Until very recently.
And if you don’t live in one of the 65 countries where PSN operates, you can go fuck yourself, because your game just stopped working.
Can’t you just use an US account though? I don’t mean to say that this isn’t a major issue as it is, but are you really blocked from linking it? I don’t live in the US but I have a us pen account since forever
That would be violating the terms of service, and could presumably get your Helldivers 2 account banned.
This is far too common with games now, all over Steam as well. RDR2 is a great example, the Rockstar launcher and social club is total dogshit!
The Social Club has been a thing since GTA 4. So, for 15 years?