That chance was Nov '24, not sure what you mean?
That chance was Nov '24, not sure what you mean?
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Surely China must be cutting their education investments too? Republicans wouldn’t intentionally disadvantage the country against international competition, right? Is America great yet?
You don’t need a private nuclear plant to run it? Wow very efficient.
6k comments, flaired users only? Sus.
SDF is having moderation issues, with seemingly no active admins. The word is spreading.
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He’s basically going around telling people what is happening, and to take it up with Trump if it’s a problem. Then those people are dismissed. That’s the extent of his authority.
I would argue Quake or Street Fighter 2 holds that distinction, but it’s close.
Tetris - Gameboy
At it’s peak it held about 800 prisoners, kinda impossibly small for the numbers discussed here.
Edit-- Well, trump did say “Most people don’t even know that we have 30,000 beds in Guantanamo”, I guess file me with most people. Must be incredible how they scaled up while simultaneously closing camps and losing facilities to disrepair, apparently.
Too lazy to find the exact date, but at some point devs changed how they report user activity, and old instances were reporting incorrectly until they upgraded. The dip might align with that change?
I guess if they discover shrink, they’ll have a log of when it was accessed, and could cross reference camera footage, then track down the account and blacklist it or prosecute… no loss prevention is going to do all this lol.
Genuine question, do I need to show an ID to make a CVS account? Use a real name? How could they reliably link the digital account to a person?
If everyone has a key, what’s the point of locking the products? Maybe next they’ll have public mag keys available at the entrance?
Honestly, even states that run a fat surplus couldn’t support medicaid for any reasonable time without the federal support… unless the alternative is that everyone stops paying into federal taxes and the money is redirected into the states for individual programs. But this is a costly and wasteful alternative that would result in a patchwork hell of varying degrees of care I’d like to not think about. I’m just sorry you and many others are caught in the middle of this ignorant shit.
The portals between the state medicaid offices and the federal offices have been severed, I haven’t seen public facing sites being impacted, yet.
States are having to choose to suspend payment to hospitals (who will subsequently suspend services) or absorb the costs themselves until the situation is resolved.
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Voters blew it. It’s 1000 cuts from here, so there will still be plenty to defend and resist. But many people seem to be waiting for some big event. That election was, for all intents, the event. Thanks for showing up.