I don’t disagree
I don’t disagree
Am blind facepalm
It’s that Giordano’s?
Classic shell has been installed on all of my windows machines as part of my “make windows usable” loadout since i was basically forced to upgrade* from w7 to w10
Now if only call screening was available on all devices that’d be great.
I prefer to read manga and comics on a tablet screen, easy to make text bigger for someone with dyslexia, more portable than a laptop, not to mention cheaper. Smart watch makes it so u don’t have to pull out my phone when i get a notification at work or when my hands are full, and i can glance to see if it’s important. Also helps me reduce my screen time, and lengthens my phone’s battery life. As far as tracking, i have almost all tracking disabled except what is necessary for operation of the “local”(i have precise gps disabled) weather. All health features and telemetry disabled/routed to i understand not everyone has uses for these kinda of devices, but that doesn’t mean no one does. My watch lasts 2+ months on a charge, my phone 1-3 days, tablet, lives connected to a wall unless i wanna read on the go. I don’t worry about battery life.
Pfft when i was that little i would wind up in a different city/state unbeknownst to my parents.
I love both, they had a certain charm, and still do for me to this day,. Is there some tedium, sure, but I play games far more tedious so no problem for me.
Don’t insult pigs like that they are amazing animals.
The loot box box needs a price tag and one piece being a .000001% chance.
That is the most delicious flavor of that pasta I’ve ever read.
As an individual who works retail. WAAAAAAAAAY too soon.
To respond to the question: i cancelled my nso subscription years ago because the BS Nintendo pulled. I’ll never give them another cent. Switch emulation is why i bought a total of 2 switches and nearly 40 games. Killing emulation made it so i basically won’t touch my switch. If i can’t play at a constant framerate at native resolution with whatever controller i want(that can be mapped however i like) i won’t play the games. So no i won’t be checking them out on nso. I will however check them out elsewhere.
Same for me, i still have win 10 installed and updated (for the couple things i haven’t migrated).
If it doesn’t run on Linux it doesn’t deserve my money at this point.
Don’t forget about the oil companies and their lobbying as well.
Not op, but I’ve yet to encounter a website that doesn’t work with Firefox. (In the last 5 years)
I had a friend who was about as computer illiterate as they come, they had a crappy gateway laptop(netbook maybe) that had kubuntu on it they preferred it to when they had win vista(yes this was forever ago, i replaced vista with kubuntu because it was lighter than gnome at the time) they loved the kde interface and most of what they did was Myspace Tumblr and Facebook, but even they managed to figure out play on Linux and wine after a few months
They are pretty mid in my opinion. Worth trying to see if you like them though.
The phone number belongs to famous rapper “Mike Jones”. https://genius.com/Mike-jones-back-then-lyrics