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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I love this! Using screens we display 3D environments on a 2D surface. This is displaying a 3D environment on a 3D projection. I wonder how would you go about displaying a 4D environment in this 3D projection. The difference in dimensions would be akin to our conventional 3D in 2D setup, so I’d be intrigued in the comparisons we could draw from projecting 4D in 3D.

  • You keep referencing the community as if I wasn’t aware. I made a comment yesterday here in this very thread referencing it, so I clearly know this is a place for unpopular opinions, that’s why I’m debating in good faith and that’s why I said in my previous comment it was ironic.
    But no, please re-read what I said, that you started the post with an assumption, and you presented it as fact. That’s not debatable, you stated that games aren’t supposed to be realistic. You didn’t back that up with an argument, you just repeated how you think games should be perceived and then proceeded to trash a popular franchise as an example.
    Like I said, I mean no animosity towards you. But I chimed in literally because this community invites to debate

  • To answer your first question first, empathy is a social skill and if you truly want to understand other people’s opinions, it’s a skill you must hone. No one is saying you must be empathic, but if you want to truly get why some people like it more when they can immerse themselves in a piece of art, then you do need to be able to try to walk in their shoes.
    Regarding your second point, you framed the original post as a fact of life and not an opinion (‘games are not supposed to be realistic’ vs ‘i think games shouldn’t be realistic’) so don’t be surprised when people argue against your opinion as if it were fact.

  • I personally don’t enjoy games like COD, but it’s disingenuous to believe one of the most lucrative franchises to exist, played and enjoyed by billions worldwide, is garbage. You may not like it, but you can’t declare it a garbage game as it certainly has its appeal. Doing so reeks of ‘old-man-yelling-at-kids-to-get-off-his-lawn’.
    As for your other point, it is certainly an unpopular opinion. For a lot of people gaming is an escape from reality, yes, but video games as an artistic expression can also represent reality and even mirror it. I don’t know what you mean by ‘realism’; is it graphical fidelity? Is it mechanics and its level of abstraction to model our world? There is certainly a conversation to be had here, but I would say how closely a game should mirror real life should depend on what type of game we are talking about, after all.

  • In that same article you linked it later says King Willonius, the comedian who produced it, literally wrote the lyrics himself . He literally said (and quoted in the article) ‘I think it’s a misconception that people think AI wrote ‘BBL Drizzy’. Then it goes on to talk about how AI may be used for sampling, rather than to create new songs, but spends a couple of paragraphs talking about how it’s complicated because of copyright law. And in the end, the song, BBL Drizzy, got pulled from Spotify because AI was used in its production. That directly contradicts OP first comment. I do agree with you that AI is better than I first thought at music, but it’s far from perfect. But in any case, thinking that Spotify right now is secretly implanting AI songs is still bonkers (and without proof besides some random YouTube video).