Linked in the above article you can also find an annotated image of the structures visible and also an image of separate wavelength bands from ALMA, JWST and Hubble
Linked in the above article you can also find an annotated image of the structures visible and also an image of separate wavelength bands from ALMA, JWST and Hubble
I believe you are referring to the Nordick countries
Yes and one of those countries that does care about baseball is very naughty when it comes to its climate change contributions though. It can still be potent to tune the threat for whatever will motivate your target. For instance, the British would be stirred to action vigorously if you threatened to take away their tea and thinly veiled class system.
Is it: “the age of pussyfoot”
Jumping on this to evangelise about some car ownership alternatives, as it can even be quite the cultural leap even for some Europeans to not own a car.
Firstly Denmark has some brilliant cycling infrastructure I would highly recommend sourcing a bike with a pannier rack to make small trips to the shops easier. If you enjoy it you can always go all in later with a cargo bike and there are many - even from local brands - to choose from (although I have an urban arrow I can also recommend a Bullitt (DK))!
For when you do need a car aside from all the big brands rentals there are also peer-2-peer rentals, eg in Finland I will use go more which is great here and while it looks like they also exist in Denmark your mileage may vary, but I have friends in Sweden who have used this there too.
In fact: 0! = 1
Op this is the guide you need! I’ll leave my link up as comparison in quality of the guide a knowledgable human produces vs that predicted by an ml model
ffmpeg is my go to for things like this but I can never remember the necessary incantation on the command line. Fortunately ChatGPT tends to get you most of the way there a lot of the time, I would normally asks something like the following and start from there:
How to convert a folder of png images into a gif using ffmpeg?
Well written piece, worth taking the time to read it in full.
Last I checked ~18:00BST
Party Seats Votes %
Lab 412 9,725,117 33.8
Con 121 6,824,610 23.7
Reform 5 4,103,727 14.3
Lib Dem 71 3,501,004 12.2
Green 4 1,941,220 6.8
Indep. 7 841,835 2.9
I am personally glad that the next government is not going to be stuffed full with bigoted nationalists from Reform. I can’t help but marvel though at how wonky the system of voting is that let the Lib Dem’s get an order of magnitude more seats than Reform with 600k fewer votes. Reform got just under half Labour’s vote share and only slightly over 1% of their seats.
One great use I have found for ChatGPT and family is helping me divine command line one-liners for standard shell programs. Generating commands for tools like ffmpeg are also reasonably successful and saves a lot of time digging through man files
If the angle of the jet is more then a little off axis the jet may still visible if it is sufficiently powerful and it passes through a scattering medium (interstellar dust?) the wiki page for blazars shows just such an example in the M87 galaxy
It looks like their current generation of systems are electricity in, via resistive heating, then heat out via hot air. Efficient electricity out would appear to be an active research area for them, but it would also seem, that there are still a number of applications where on demand heat at several hundreds of degrees is still very valuable.
There is a sand battery start up in Tampere (Finland) that is heating to 1k Celsius so by the OPs calculations that would still give it a small edge over water but with the added bonus of the intrinsic insulation - very handy in the cold winters. They have a pilot plant that is being developed to support the municipal heating network.
The OU has always had strong distance learning teaching, I have a family member who pivoted to a new career thanks largely to getting a degree with the OU. Also completing a degree through a remote program from and provider is a great indicator of your resolve and tenacity and can easily be a great selling point to future jobs etc.
10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World — Elif Shafak.
It of course depends on the context and choice of ethics framework. If the decision is personal I like to use the shorthand: If you have the privilege to choose, then choose to build the type of future you want to live in.
You say that it is at the expense of the storytelling but to me it is the storytelling or at least an essential part of it and what makes it special.
If you prefer, there is plenty of other sci-fi where it’s just two strait white dudes using cgi to save the universe. But then that’s also not really a rich seam for storytelling.
I think you were looking for anglicisation the other is an Americanisation
This “article“ reads like llm slop