Teal’c, I’ve got a question for you. What the hell does “kree” mean anyway.
Teal’c, I’ve got a question for you. What the hell does “kree” mean anyway.
Yeah not sure of their setup, but I had a big list of mandatory things that needed to work before I erased my windows partitions. VR was one of them. More specifically VR full room and VR sitting with my HOTAS and wheel setups. Everything game related works perfectly. Some VR applications I haven’t gotten working or found replacements for like Virtual Desktop. (If anyone has any suggestions, that’d be amazing.)
But long story short, VR works and it works well. I’ve played on both an Nvidia 3090 and an AMD 7900 XTX. I’m using Ubuntu 24.10 with Gnome Wayland.
On occasion it complains about gnome not supporting vr. I just reboot and it works fine.
Is it a terrible movie? Yes. Is it also weird and awesome? Yup.
The teddy bear costumes kill me every time.
This movie was the best “STALKER” movie. It catches the same vibe and it really just holds that sense of dread throughout.
I knew nothing of this movie until one day my wife asked to watch it. She saw Natalie Portman in an interview talking about it. After we watched it I didn’t know why more people weren’t talking about this and why it wasn’t advertised more. The only thing I saw online about this movie around the time it came out was a RLM review of it, but I think it was already out of theaters.
This movie deserves more love.
I feel like I liked the book when I read it. Then I saw the movie and hated it. Then I went back to the book and also hated it. Not because of the movie, but reading it a second time made me realize how terrible the book was in the first place.
If you like it you like it, I’m not going to knock you.
They completely misused the Iron Giant for pure nostalgia bait. The whole movie is that. The whole book is the main character being a Marry Sue, after the problem presents itself.
Damn I thought they were bringing back my favorite Canadian cgi TV show about computing and playing video games to survive.
I started using zigbee2mqtt so I could use Aqara devices. They are the items I’ve had the least issues with since setting it up.
It also seems like zigbee2mqtt just has a wider net of compatible devices in general.
This is great. Thank you. Time to start archiving some of the best memories before they vanish.
That’s the whole point. I’m going to guess that the media on your flash drive was ripped from physical media at some point in the chain.
Having access to the physical media gives you the ability to do what you want with it… Want it on a flash drive? Great do it. Want it on your plex sever so you can stream it yourself? Cool. Want to put it on a modded ipod classic? Cool.
VS. The way the Music / Film industries want you to have to access this data. They don’t want it on your plex server, they don’t want it on your flash drive.
Mark my words when physical media dies they will find more ways to crack down even harder on us enjoying content the way we want. Hell now a days they even restrict what browsers you can use to access media.
Okay, but now there are much better options besides VHS. And I for one line physical media. At the end of the day if my internet is out or something is removed from a service, I can still just pop in a disc.
Sorry about your experience with VHS.
Thank you for posting this! I need the last season to complete the set.
Freaking love RLM.
Their content brings me such joy.
“I know how to understand and speak every language with the proper accent. Wöáh.”
I’m glad someone beat me to posting this. Brennen is the best.
Oh man this is rad. This is what done houses in the 70’s and 80’s had. A central sound system throughout the house.
I think you’re looking for a receiver obviously to handle the inputs but then you also need a multi-room amplifier. I’m pretty sure it also has another name, but something like this: Juke Audio
I’ll follow this thread because I’m always interested in everyone’s suggestions.
Probably not what you’re looking for but you can roll your own “smart” speakers that work directly with home assistant and play audio that way. Doesn’t help with audio input from like a TV, but it’s what I’ve got to offer at the moment because it’s what I’m working on at the moment.
Edit:the other name they go by is “matrix amplifier”. Good luck bud.
Do you know what nemesis means?
Alien Isolation is sooooo gooood.
Begun, the Chrome wars have.
You fucking called it…