Do you call this full blown nazi salute a wave? The only relation to a wave, is the 2008 German movie Die Welle, for obvious reasons.
Do you call this full blown nazi salute a wave? The only relation to a wave, is the 2008 German movie Die Welle, for obvious reasons.
Tesla Model 3 Ranked Last In German TUV Reliability Report
2-3 years Tesla Model 3 14.7% defect rate
Since when doing a Nazi-salute makes you not-a-nazi?
Nope. Tesla Model 3 Ranked Last In German TUV Reliability Report
2-3 years Tesla Model 3 14.7% defect rate
Thing is, the Democratic Party is so corrupt, that only a third party can save the US.
Yep, because Biden was ready to arrest him and restore the rules based order.
What did you think would happen if Kamala was elected? Would she force Israel to stop their military advances? Of course not, because of all that sweet AIPAC money.
He would, and he did. He set red lines only to have Netanyahu cross them, over and over again.
The Democratic Party enabled Trump. You can thank yourself too.
It depends on what you value in a candidate. If you are willing to vote for genocide, I guess you bar for a candidate is already too low.
Last time I checked there were more than two parties.
Meaning? Being OK with genocide?
And Biden would literally flatten Gaza and give it to Israel on a plate.
What constitutes it as “pretend caring”?
So my dude, you might wanna sit down, but the guy who won is even more okay with genocide than the last one.
Is he though? Because on the Biden-Trump debate, I remember them fighting over who is the most zionist.
Half of the voters voted for Trump, so no thanks, I don’t want to have good relations with the US. I want to isolate them as much as possible.
link to the demo
And what will they do? Nothing! The EU is spineless.
Plus that he is the richest man alive by far. Plus that he is promoting the far-right in Europe. Plus that he did a Nazi salute.
Who do you blame more? The DNC or third party voters?
So you can buy another 10 years old car with that.