It’s almost as if Putin’s regime was a hyper violent group of thugs, bent on threatening and killing everyone standing in their way of dominance.
It’s almost as if Putin’s regime was a hyper violent group of thugs, bent on threatening and killing everyone standing in their way of dominance.
Ah, sorry. I read your comment backwards.
Of course confiscating UAE assets would be a gigantic escalation and will never happen. 😔
Do they have anything other than oil?
It’s called inflation.
Please read the article, it’s not that long.
Yeah, the main issue is migration (here in Germany). And I believe propaganda is also a factor. People are bombarded with bad stories about migrants, but also about the government. This includes tabloids and social media of course. But also the conservative opposition. They are always talking about the government as if it was the worst in German history, when in reality it is not so different from their previous one.
Btw. the reasons why people vote for extremists are not smart. They are emotional. AfD voters tend to be less educated and porer.
I think Anders’ analysis is correct (as usual). The sad thing is, that I believe not only the US is making this mistake, but also some European leaders. They should really know better and we will have to pay the price for it.
Also right (and left) wing populists are on the rise. And they openly support Russia. We are all fucked.
He is using Tesla as a piggy bank. Grifting money, employees and graphics cards.
Putin is not as smart as his propaganda paints him. In fact it’s probably the most successful part of his propaganda. Even people who see through most of his propaganda tend to believe that he’s always playing 4D chess.
Still, remember that when Putin threatens us, he is telling us what he doesn’t like. Threats don’t cost him anything. By now we should have learned that his threats are empty, but many people are just too afraid.
Actually, it does. It says that the Russian people have nowhere to go. Their only option is to band together (behind Putin).
Edit: Oh, btw. I’m not saying that this video is definitely part of a propaganda campaign. She could also be a victim of propaganda.
Your line of reasoning is very hard to follow. You are alternating between soldiers/civilians and people/individuals. You are arguing against a point I never made. You are not engaging with my concerns. So let me state this again. The video is highly emotional, completely one-sided. Contains no concrete information. And fits perfectly into the Kremlin’s propaganda. I wonder if all these Mexicans still hate her after she tells them that she disagrees with Putin and his war.
She says:
I can’t stand it anymore because our real nationality is strong
Not sure what to make of this. We only have a video of an upset girl. Is she being treated unfairly? Who the fuck knows. All I know is that it plays perfectly into the Kremlin’s propaganda: We are the good guys and the world hates us for no good reason.
Either that, or it was a way to build a wide alliance to support Ukraine (with some countries being more eager and some more hesitant to help).
Regardless, it was a half measure and should be abandoned rather sooner than later.
Unfortunately we don’t share a common language anymore. The people fighting for “law and order” don’t actually mean, that everyone has to follow the same law. For them it’s a tool to police minorities and political opponents. In other words fascism.
You can’t know for sure given only this footage. But drones don’t exactly have great armor. So detonating something so close makes a kill very likely.
The Kremlin has already been hit by drones last year. No nuclear war. Instead you guys have forgotten about it.
The problem is, that the studies on glyphosat are way too small. As far as I know it is not particularly cancerous. That is other weed killers are worse. But Monsanto who did these studies and Bayer who bought Monsanto and miscalculated the risks; they did a poor job with these studies, which caused this massive confusion and are therefore largely to blame themselves for the disaster.
Here is a good video on the topic. It’s in German, though:
It’s probably safe to assume the studies saying it doesn’t were bought and paid for by Bayer
This btw. is how it works. You have a product you want to bring to the market, so you have to prove it’s safe. It’s the regulator’s job to decided if the provided evidence is enough.
I just looked it up. He has a 6 months lock-in period. CNN article
Btw. this was not an IPO, but a reverse-merger using a SPAC. That way the company going public doesn’t have to adhere to the SEC’s strict IPO regulations.
Absolutely. Not sure what it does to morale, though, if the tanks you’re receiving are getting older and older.
We have to take the thread seriously and accept our adversary as what he is. That doesn’t mean copying his despicable methods. Our most effective defense is defending Ukraine.