I didn’t mind them that much, I viewed them more as a puzzle than a combat. It helped break up some of the run and gun of the rest of the game and you always knew you were getting a cool ability when you got through it.
That said though I’ll admit the last couple EMMIs did give me a really hard time with many, many resets. But I did get through them. And once I even managed to get the perfect parry and escape after getting got by the EMMI and it was extremely hype.
I’ve only just recently gotten into Act 2 but so far I haven’t come across a single bug, actually. Seems very polished. It does require a bit of a Warhammer primer before coming in if you want to know what’s going on though. The game does a good enough job of explaining things that are important within the game but a lot of the context and fine details will escape you if you don’t know at least a little about the 40k setting at large.