I’m no Clinton apologist but these two scenarios are not even remotely similar and god damn I’m tired our media trying to convince us that everything is fine.
I’m no Clinton apologist but these two scenarios are not even remotely similar and god damn I’m tired our media trying to convince us that everything is fine.
It feels like the only silver lining to all of this bullshit is the amount of I Told You So’s that are piling up on the table.
Is there anything happening that isn’t an incredibly dangerous precedent? But thank god we still have plenty of people willing to sit back and do nothing. Wouldn’t want anyone to think someone other than republicans are allowed to meet the moment.
The next time you see someone ask why no one is doing anything, please think of the post I’m responding to. THAT is why.
You know what they say about the best time to plant trees. It applies to many things.
On the other hand, how am I supposed to believe in a god that is too stupid to know I only believe in it ‘just in case’
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I eat kale or broccoli for breakfast, usually with mustard or pepper sauce.
I’ve been gone from FB for about 3 months but for me it was the groups. You could find groups for anything, but I miss my local groups most. Particularly the No-Buy and vegan and political activist groups. Finding an equivalent outside of FB is sub par, if it even exists at all.