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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2024


  • Though promoting a false narrative about Israel committing a genocide (the casualty numbers are consistent with urban combat in other conflicts) is an indication that you aren’t really questioning the narratives you’re seeing on the internet.

    Oh, this is just a normal urban conflict? That’s good. I thought that since a U.N. human rights expert said what was happening in Gaza was a genocide, the ICJ demanding Israel prevent Gaza from becoming a genocide, and that dozens of nations and NGOs recognize this as a genocide, this was probably a genocide. Luckily, you were here to tell me this was normal and that I shouldn’t believe everything I see on the internet. Thanks, random account! Your empty words, backed by no evidence, have shown me the error of believing in the reporting I followed from actual journalists!

    In all seriousness though, you disgust me. Attempting to convince me that facts I learned, from reading and listening to hours of reporting, is just an internet narrative would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous. Your attempts to make me believe my sympathy for the tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians that have been killed is actually rooted in antisemitism is cowardly and manipulative. And your false equivalence between calling for the end of a genocide and JD Vance’s weird comments on Mountain Dew is just pathetic.

    You’ve built in your head a narrative that criticism of Israel is antisemitic, and rather than consider the possibility that you may be incorrect, you’ve taken it upon yourself to chastise anyone who criticizes Israel. You demand that everyone else reevaluate their own beliefs so that you don’t have to reexamine yours. And that’s led you to genocide denial. Great job buddy, great fucking job.

  • I’m curious to know what I’ve said that’s antisemitic. From where I’m standing, there’s only one comment here that’s antisemitic. It’s the one that’s equating criticism of the nation of Israel for its ongoing slaughter of Palestinians with criticism of the Jewish people as a whole. All Jews are not Israeli’s, and criticism of Israel is not criticism of the Jewish people. Implying otherwise is a bigoted and cowardly attempt to shield a nation from accountability.

    Every nation can and should be held accountable when it commits atrocities. If I were to condemn the Taliban for their misogynistic, regressive theocracy, no one would assume that I was condemning Islam as a religion or Muslims as a people. So, how can I do the same for Israel? Tell me the right way I get to say, “Israel has killed at least 40,000 people (probably closer to 85,000 in reality), mostly civilians, and it is disgusting that both major parties support this slaughter.” Let me know what way I can criticize Israel that doesn’t offend your delicate sensibilities, so we can finally discuss the fact that our nation is funding a genocide.

  • Prior to the latest violence, Gaza’s water supply was already unable to meet the World Health Organization’s minimum requirement for daily per capita water consumption.

    A 2020 study in the journal “Water” found the quality of the groundwater in the aquifer had “deteriorated rapidly,” in large part because it had been pumped out to meet the demands of Gaza’s large population quicker than it could be replaced by rainwater.

    The aquifer is also polluted by untreated wastewater, leaving 96.2% of household water from the aquifer undrinkable, according to a 2020 report from B’Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.

    Most literate genocide denier.

  • OK, so let’s pretend that Hamas using human sheilds necessitates the killing of (at least, but probably more than) 40,000 people. I think that in most conflicts, when innocent hostages are. taken, the normal response isn’t to indiscriminately kill the hostages, but let’s ignore that for now.

    How does that Hamas using human shields make it necessary for Palestinians in Gaza to live without clean drinking water for a decade before October 7th? How do human shields make it necessary to torture (tortures which include beating, rape, and the use of restraints so tight they havd led to amputations) Palestinians in prison camps? How does it justify Israeli settlers seizing homes in the West Bank, a territory that isn’t even controlled by Hamas? Because it doesn’t really seem like, “Hamas is hiding among civilians, so it’s hard to target them without hitting civilian targets,” can possibly justify any of those things.

  • Yeah, I mean, it’s not like the Palestinians are having their homes and property systematically seized, or being forced into ghettos with brutal conditions akin to living in an open air prison, or being sent to torture camps, or being exterminating en masse. I mean, you’d have to be a real dumbfuck to think all of those things were happening right now.

  • Exactly. People share articles every week about Republican voter suppression tactics like limiting polling locations and creating voter ID laws, then turn around and whine when voters don’t show up for their candidates. Even if you aren’t a victim of these laws, if you have to vote in person, you usually have 12 hours on a weekday to vote. If you work 8 hours a day, and you commute an hour each way, that’s 2 hours to vote. For a working-class person with a family, that’s a big ask. That’s time they normally spend making dinner for their kids and getting ready for the next day. Voting is a right, but having the time to do it a luxury.

  • Well, again, it’s pretty hard to quantify how many people are not voting on principle, but again, if we use third-party voters as a guide, that’s probably not true. For Hillary, analysis shows that even if every single Jill Stien voter had gone to Clinton, she still would have needed to win over 50% of Gary Johnson’s voters (who were obviously unlikely to consider themselves leftists) to win..

    Bush and Gore is different, since Bush won by 537 votes in Florida, so sure, if the Nader voters had gone to Gore, he would have won. You could probably also assume that there were 537 disgruntled leftists who decided to stay home as well, but with a margin that small, almost anything could have changed the outcome. If all the voters who stayed home with a cold went out and voted Gore might have won.

    You’re working from a premise that there’s a large contingent of leftists who are withholding their vote on principle, and if they just voted, the Democrats would always win. But there’s no data to assume that’s true, and it’s just as likely that there are as many conservatives doing the exact same thing. So what’s point here? If only all the leftists who didn’t vote on principle came out, but all the conservatives who didn’t vote on principle still stayed home, things would be different? You could blame pretty much any group for your candidates’ loss with logic like that.

  • No, it wouldn’t. It’s very difficult to quantify how many people don’t vote as a protest vs. don’t vote out of apathy, but the Green Party, Libertarian Party, and all other third parties combined took home less than 2% of the total vote in the last Presidential election. Even if we assumed that just as many people were staying home in protest, and that they were entirely made up of disgruntled leftists, that would only maybe affect the outcome of some swing states if the numbers are unevenly distributed. It certainly wouldn’t remake history.

    The internet (and Lemmy especially) might be full of high-minded leftists claiming they stay home on moral principle, but the majority of people who don’t vote are just tired, working class people who have to squeeze voting in around work and family on a random Tuesday. If you want them to turn out, you have to give them a candidate that speaks to them enough that they’ll take time out of their day vote. (Well, that or a make mail-in voting universal in all 50 states, or make voting day a federal holiday, or a bunch of other things that will never get through Congress.)