Woa bro I was saying hard on but this is a full on raging erection maybe you should deal with your frustrations
Woa bro I was saying hard on but this is a full on raging erection maybe you should deal with your frustrations
Absolutely, and it’s by design by candid admission of environmentalist organizations and green parties. Their objective was over regulating the industry beyond any rationality and they succeeded.
Lemy has such a hard on against nuclear. I’m seeing reports by antinuclear think tank grifters shoved in my face almost daily…
Username checks out
You guys are as unbearable as door to door evangelists
This BULLSHIT comes up every so often, and I’m kinda tired so I’ll to someone else to try and explain how the electricity grid actually works.
For me unfortunately it has been Step 1 install literally the most universally compatible distro possible
Step 2 audio drivers craps out. No fix is available. Trying to apply workarounds completely Bork the system
Step 3 install again. graphics driver is problematic, refresh it giving it MOS permissions. I miss the MOS permission screen at the reboot. Look for how to do obtain that option again. No easy way to do it at all. Bork the system again
Step 4 install again. Notice touch screen support is completely useless, and pen is not supported.
Step 5 Ask myself if keeping a 1200$ computer with tinny audio, no graphic hardware acceleration and a half functional display can be justified in any way. It can’t.
Step 5. Back to windows. Bloated, but it works.
Unfortunately system support is still very iffy on some models. I’d really like to embrace the distro life but can’t.
Yeah totally the customer’s fault for wanting a nice display in friggin 2024, certainly not the software’s which still has no proper support for it.
Because solar panel efficiency is already pretty low so it’s best to put them in the areas and in the orientation in which they will receive the most light
Exactly. An idiot like this should never be enrolled in a technical university.
I don’t think you understand the concept of exponential, or radioactivity for that matter tbh. The statement is completely truthful.
The harm of ionizing radiation is given by the activity of the source. Which decays exponentially. You should not go on the internet lecturing people you don’t know about things you don’t understand.
Also, you moved the goalpost: first you claimed waste “doesn’t decay exponentially” and then without acknowledging it, you now claim that “exponential decay is not the same as losing harm exponentially”
Sorry what? That link literally explains the exponential decay of radioisotopes.
The sustainable approach at this point would be eco-dictatorship, not sure if it’s so easily achievable
Rate of decay for a specific isotope is constant, so its abundance decays exponentially. Of course a species can transmute in a new radionuclide so the process in total will not be exactly exponential, but pretty close. Seen on a log scale it’s awfully close to a straight line
Custom roms for them absolutely slap. Posting this from a still perfectly functional mi9 with Android 14.
Funny how everyone is immediately concerned with a few thousands of cubic meters of solid waste that literally loses its harm exponentially quickly and we can store underground while all the billions of tons of toxic liquid and gaseous waste coming from a sleuth of industrial applications (including renewables production) constantly being pumped in the biosphere never get a mention
Well you know how that goes.
I don’t, please elaborate.
Don’t you already need to unlock the phone to change USB protocol?