Am I alone in saying that the phrase “raw dogged” needs to die?
Am I alone in saying that the phrase “raw dogged” needs to die?
Someone hit the spiked eggnog a bit too hard.
Oh I do. I have quite a few Spotify playlists, including one that contains every track from every album I’ve ever owned, with a few hundred single tracks thrown in.
It’s about 10k tracks in total, played on shuffle, and I still surf.
“Nope, not in the mood… Nope… Next… Come on, give me something good… Nope… Ah, finally.”
You wouldn’t want to ride with me, then.
I generally don’t secure the seatbelt until I’m moving forward. Not sure why, but I’ve always done it.
I’ll mess with the rearview mirror often, as my position in the seat may shift, and I can’t stand it when the view in the mirror isn’t centered.
As for the radio… I channel surf like mad. 40 presets and I’ll scan through them all before deciding on something that I never stay on very long. My wife can, not, stand it. lol But, the radio controls are on the steering wheel, so doing so isn’t a distraction.
In the past, when I drove any of my vehicles that had a manual transmission, I had a habit of rattling the gearshift at stoplights. People who rode with me didn’t like that either.
But… I thought he said we wouldn’t have to vote ever again?
Hobbes obviously tied him up.
I’ve always seen Hobbes similar to the toys in Toy Story, but Calvin is the only one he shows himself to.
Because I wouldn’t want people to kill me after the 24 hours is over… I would go with the Pink Floyd album, Meddle, mostly for Echoes (six tracks). Then the Jean-Michel Jarre album, Oxygène (another six). Then some good trip-hop tracks for something to move to.
Maybe Supreme Beings of Leisure, Ghetto. Moloko, Fun for Me. Morcheeba, Blood Like Lemonade.
It’s been discussed here much better than I could, but I concur with, you pretty much can’t.
The slightest change would cause ripple effects that would affect almost everything.
Everyone always gravitates to the big names… Hitler, Trump, Elmo… But even the most possible mundane person, such as an Inuit baby born to parents in the remotest part of the Arctic 200 years ago, would be enough to cause changes that could easily keep you from being born.
I wish anti-vaxxers would think really hard and realize that 99% of them received the MMR (and others) vaccine as a child.
Numb fucks don’t understand that it’s vaccines that let them live as healthy as they have.
And how many still receive flu vaccine every year? I’ll bet that while many are spouting anti-vaxxer bullshit out of one side of their mouth, they’re quietly scheduling the yearly shots out of the other.
Can’t throw around lies when sick in bed.
Wow, I had forgotten all about this thing.
My grandparents had one 45+ years ago.
For some reason I was never allowed to play with it, but I was obsessed with it.
I would sneak it out of the drawer where it was kept just to give it one or two spins before quickly putting it back.
But they won’t.
The “solution” will be just popping out a few more welfare babies. Thus continuing the downward spiral even faster.
You know… Come on, Russia. Send those bombs and let’s wrap this up.
Let me guess… He fell onto all of his chef knives at once?
It’s all we have…
I think that Harris will take Michigan (Go Blue! literally), but I’m really afraid that it won’t matter.
You never forget your first.
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