Fedimin | Privacy Advocate | FOSS Lover | GenZ | Human
I ❤ Change
After abandoning the fediverse.
Anyone who collaborates with Israel …
I’m using Vivaldi.
Found the solution: https://mitexleo.one/@ml/113542105595682701
I just had to import client config the apps.
I just tried to login from the mobile app.
You might want to check this out: https://github.com/owncloud/client/issues/11940
Apparently, the client_ID stays same in my case. I guess it’s not really creating new clients.
I also set oc://android.owncloud.com as valid redirect URI.
This is the url owncloud android app requested: https://auth.mydomain.com/realms/R1/protocol/openid-connect/auth?redirect_uri=oc%3A%2F%2Fandroid.owncloud.com&client_id=e4rAsNUSIUs0lF4nbv9FmCeUkTlV9GdgTLDH1b5uie7syb90SzEVrbN7HIpmWJeD&response_type=code&scope=openid+offline_access+email+profile&prompt=select_account+consent&code_challenge=lp5qe4-dZXKk2jWBZatdNDgJXuJEApCOnwrnPXk7kds&code_challenge_method=S256&state=fyjgrmwYOWVnGgCWB0hH
Yeah, I’m using a dedicated realm for OCIS. It’s working without any issues on the web.
I didn’t enable dynamic registration. I used this docker compose to deploy keycloak: https://github.com/mitexleo/keycloak_docker/blob/main/compose.yaml
What does that mean?
I’m also using Stalwart! It just works!
I’m not sure how to configure s3 as primary storage backend here. Should I put the configs in the ocis.yaml?
Here’s an example configuration: https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/blob/master/deployments/examples/ocis_full/.env
The issue you’ve faced varies instance to instance. If you want complete freedom and censorship resistance, you have to run your own server.
I’m actually using S3 as Primary Storage Backend. As a result I’ll have to manually backup the database and config files.
Thank you so much for the information. Third party integration is very important in the long run.
The issue you faced is clearly a scary one!
I thought backup/restore would be easier with OCIS 🤔
Mine too!