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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Honestly, there’s bigger fish to fry (pun only moderately intended).

    If we didn’t have war in Ukraine, and war AND genocide in Gaza and two African countries at the moment, and then whatever the hell is happening in Venezuela and ascertaining its ramifications, along with stupid inflation on just what we need to live, and multiple generations locked out of homeownership or possibly even retirement due to a corporate greed-created housing crisis and predatory student loans, and a SCOTUS that is bent on removing the rights of just about anyone who isn’t a straight, white “Christian” man…then yeah, death penalty talk should have been on the table.

    But, Harris is a politician, and all politicians have to focus on whichever sound bites can bring over those who are - astonishingly - undecided at this point. It’s naive to think that any candidate who has it “all” will get the nomination. That’s how Hilary got the nomination over Bernie, and it’s how we got Biden as well.