@wesgeorge @NoLifeKing @leo @cstross
I’m dead you killed me bastard I’m dead now
Neurodivergent Manitoba Interlake settler (Zone 3, Treaty One). He/Him/Hobbit.
Marxist Trucker, Developer, Sysadmin, Musician.
Pic is a middle aged bearded white dude wearing a green bandana on his head, aviator sunglasses, and a safety vest at the wheel of a gravel truck, mugging.
Banner is #Hellbert
Weary and cringing at any given moment, probably. NDP.
@wesgeorge @NoLifeKing @leo @cstross
I’m dead you killed me bastard I’m dead now
…and THAT being said, I’m well aware of what the CCP has been doing on college campuses over the last ten years, and they are not the only Asian nation that is operating unofficial police forces and hit squads right here in Canada (lookin’ at you India), so I’m also not necessarily *denying* these people were acting as CCP agents. Claimed to be media I think?
It’s also possible they’re just rich, with the usual rich people’s sense of entitlement to dictate to others.
That being said, there is a strange presumption on the part of the guy walking up and trying to tell the guy not to film in a public space in the UK; I would likely have reacted exactly the same way, though I don’t remember him pointing out to the guy that he was livestreaming, and therefore the *only* move left is to get out of range of the already-live camera. Pointing out that it’s too late for them not to be seen might have been a quick end to it. ->
I watched this yesterday, I’m well along the path of learning piano and was already gigging, so anyone doing these sorts of public performances is interesting to me right now.
I don’t see anything in the video that says to me that these are CCP members specifically; we Canadians tend to put a flag on our backpacks when abroad, and folks traveling with a language barrier are well-advised to do the same. It is a “communist flag” but it’s also their national flag. ->
@AStraussianAbsconded @poloniousmonk @politics
I mean
nudge nudge
we’re not *really* talking about a city here, are we?
@AStraussianAbsconded @poloniousmonk @politics
That also depends on how Straussian you are about it. The good readers don’t read translations, after all, but whether any modern reader could pick up all his subtleties is another question.
@AStraussianAbsconded @poloniousmonk @politics
That depends just *how* Straussian the reader is.
He has no compelling reason to do so. The railroad lockout put our entire economy and future health in jeopardy - it was a deliberate choice by the two corporations who coordinated it to threaten absolute scorched earth in Canada.
Airlines are not the vector for anything like that much of our economy. Lots of pain but not a deathblow.