heist the heisters, good plot twist. you son of a bitch, i’m in!
Community is #1. slayer of oppression and depression! Solidarity forever! I play music --> https://plzrlx.com/
heist the heisters, good plot twist. you son of a bitch, i’m in!
he makes interesting point about ease of making music today - ie download a DAW and a few drum sample packs and midi in a quantized guitar riff and autotune some vocals. there are way more songs being made available today so more than ever talented musicians hell yes …but also coz of this tech ‘easy route’ a lot of people who are maybe just popular kids but havent spent years learning their instrument or songwriting who get to the top of the charts not because their music is particularly fresh or inspiring. agree with vibe of your comment tho that we can be more affirmative and ‘yes and’ eachother he just wants clicks, i like rick
only problem’s that the chickens have human arms You say “that’s f#ked up, why do the chickens have human arms?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2spZ-NDfS4
c’mon you lot, it’s a mr bean reference surely!