As consumers we need to only eat chicken labeled “pasture raised” or just don’t eat chicken. Our husbandry practices in the US are an abomination and it is making us and the environment sick.
As consumers we need to only eat chicken labeled “pasture raised” or just don’t eat chicken. Our husbandry practices in the US are an abomination and it is making us and the environment sick.
They’ll just make all the parts and send them to the US for assembly.
Unfortunately these are common in the healthcare industry. There are currently Healthcare workers who are being sued over this. Yeah, the companies may not ultimately win in court, but the workers can’t even afford to hire an attorney to defend themselves.
They need to put these in all of the gyms in the cardio equipment. Just think of the power they could store.
“The Government of Canada has announced a two-year extension to an existing ban on foreign ownership of Canadian housing. The Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act (the Act) was set to expire at the end of 2024, it will now be extended to January 1, 2027.” Between foreign investment on U.S. housing ( who almost always pay cash so are less affected by borrowing costs) and corporate investing firms, the average American Family is pretty much hosed. Allowing unchecked investment practices in housing not only significantly drives up prices, but also property taxes. It also discourages investment in neighborhoods and local culture as investors are not forced or incentivized to maintain their investments (housing) so the houses then fall into disrepair or sit empty. For example, in my neighborhood, the local elementary school is struggling to stay open due to sharply declining enrollment as there are so few families that actually live here. Its full of investment houses that are overpriced and falling apart.
These protests are essentially pro-humanitarian. The over all philosophy of treating innocent people with respect, dignity and empathy no matter your race, ethnicity, gender, religion, color etc should be an expectation without threat of violence and/or death. At no time is it acceptable to kill or injure innocent people/civilians. Particularly children. Maybe these protests need a rebranding to pro-humanitarian protests.
How about reevaluating our Dairy husbandry practices as well to address overcrowding and feed quality of the cows? Its healthier for all. The cows, the workers, the quality of the milk and ultimately the health of the people. The cows are crammed into barns where they spend virtually their entire lives indoors. They are fed all together with processed food made from literal chicken excrement that they eat off the floor through confinement systems and head slots. Its a dismal existence. Why are we not talking about this? It has been proposed in the past that the practice of feeding dairy cows chicken litter ( poop ) be banned due to the risk of contamination, yet we still allow this practice in the US.
This is the question of the century. Maybe decades from now, there will be a book, then a movie. My only guess is that they have something dirty on our politicians. Something so egregious that they are willing to sacrifice almost everything to keep it quiet.
Wow. This child. The world will want to know her story. Lots of hope for this little one. How will this shape her life’s view and trajectory? Its imperative to get her out of there asap. What a beginning.
We need better choices. People in general are searching for justification to support their forced illogical decision of who they vote for to lead our fragile country. Its a sad state of affairs.
A bigger picture may be; why is sending kids home for break with homework. It is my opinion, that people learn better when they actually have a break during their break. in my opinion, this is a tactic to prepare kids to think its normal to work all the time. That breaks are never actually breaks.
We burned coal for heat on the coldest of nights when we lived off grid on a ranch in the mountains of colorado. We only used it if we absolutely had to as its super stinky, dirty and gross. We would get maybe two or three big chunks a year that weighed maybe 1-2 lbs. You can go up into the mountains and see the huge mountains of coal from the mines that have shut down. There are also rows of of coke ovens in monument canyon (used in the 19th century to turn coal into smelting iron)
Lets see…how many times have we heard this rhetoric? This is typical election year bs.
Rural hospital aren’t eligible to receive the same pricing on drugs as large metropolitan hospitals bc they are unable to satisfy the indigent designation that falls under 340b. This gives large metropolitan hospitals an enormous advantage in “profit” off of steeply discounted drugs. Hence the reason why many of the small hospitals are assimilated by large hospital networks. Also the large hospital networks have a lot of buying power bc of their purchase power (volume) and can negotiate volume discounts with manufacturers furthering their advantage. The US uses a system called average sales price (ASP) by CMS (medicaid and medicare)to determine the amount the government will reimburse for any drug. As these enormous hospital entities negotiate steep discounts, this lowers the overall reimbursement price (ASP) for any drug which makes it almost impossible for the small hospitals to even make enough to pay for the drugs as reimbursement by CMS falls much less have enough to pay for administration ( IV infusion, nursing, pharmacy, overall care, etc). It is a very unfair system. The large hospital networks aren’t incentivized to provide care to rural residents bc there is literally no money in it. So they force those residents to travel to larger hospitals to receive care. Its a tragedy that these small hospitals are dying. This limits healthcare access to people who live in these areas. many of whom cannot afford to live in large metropolitan areas due to the high cost of living. Small rural hospitals also have a very difficult time finding staff. Physicians, NPs, PAs, Nurses etc. The cards are stacked against them. This isn’t a handout. This is a failure of a capitalistic system that is unfairly applied to the human right to receive healthcare. Large hospitals should be required to provide care to residents in these underserved areas. Particularly when their C suite administrators are taking in millions in bonuses every year.
Toss in insider trading and we’re pretty much screwed. We the people can’t compete.
Toss in insider trading and we’re pretty much screwed. We the people can’t compete.
$he believe$ in him.
And stocks are at all time highs