worldcat lists the institutions with this book, you’ll probably have to show up in person. You may be able to do an inter-library loan if your local library doesn’t have the book, you could get it from a sister library. However, the only public library that lists having the book is the Austin Public library in Austin, Texas.
Older Boox’s weren’t certified for the Play store, so you couldn’t run play store apps, but that hasn’t been true for a while. You can run pretty much any Android app (though many don’t work well on e-ink), and the older Boox’s run older Android versions that aren’t compatible with many apps in the Play store even if they can connect.
I think you’re referring to “koreader” which started life as alternative kobo e-reader firmware, but now has an android port, but it just runs as an android app, that’s what I run on my Boox Palma, but if it reboots, I have to relaunch koreader.