Because I like these little guys: Grasshopper Mouse
Because I like these little guys: Grasshopper Mouse
Dang, I wasn’t aware of that. Well, I’ll ditch them once my subscription expires for sure.
My partner was on it for like a minute but I don’t think they use it anymore. Certainly not as much as I do.
I use Nord. No one here has mentioned Nord. Is it shit?
First make sure you rip all the stems out and are eating only the leaves. Then I saute it in a light coat of olive oil and with garlic and onions, or steam it. I think the real trick is to not overcook it. Don’t let it cook for more than 5 minutes. You don’t want it to get squishy and boiled down like you do with spinach, it’s not the same thing as spinach. It should still hold its shape somewhat after cooking.
Kale, because my parents had no idea how to cook it. When I make it myself it’s awesome.
How to say “No”, there are many people who are afraid to.
Judging people by their appearance
I chose not to have children. Apparently, to some people, this is considered self-indulgent. Those people can fuck right off.
Ross Childs who makes fun of JD Vance
Science Fiction Reads a guy who reads all those old whacky space opera books so you don’t have to
Hah, that was me. People would find out and feel sorry for me but I was like nah, it’s actually been amazing and we’re both so much happier being divorced.
I was very sad of course, but we still lived together for a month before they finally found a place to live, and we were really getting at each other’s throats by the end. But my God, the moment they left and I knew I finally had the place to myself, it was the happiest I’ve ever been. I was on cloud 9 for like 3 months, just pure fucking joy the likes I’ve never experienced since. I think it was just finally being free and knowing I could properly move on with my life. I cleaned the whole apartment like a crazy person, bought new furniture, bought a new PC. It was like having a new lease on life. 10/10 would recommend getting a divorce when your marriage isn’t working anymore and you both tried your best.
For real. That moment in that movie is basically telling you that you cannot save your best friend from crippling sadness and depression. The horse and the boy love each other but it doesn’t matter in the end.
I was allowed to watch that movie waaay too young, and I know it’s the same for others my age, but I was pissed when I learned that one of my friends let her 5 year old watch it because she’d seen it when she was 5, and apparently forgot or didn’t care that the horse dies?? Like how can you forget that?? And then the 5 year old heard us talking about the movie and the FIRST thing she says is “Remember the horse?” in this sad little voice. Way to traumatize your kid.
My maternal grandmother lived to be 96. My paternal grandmother is still alive and will be 100 this year. Her mother, my great grandmother, lived to be 102. Both my parents are still alive and in decent health in their mid 70s. Baring any severe accidents, I feel like I’m going to live into my late 90s, which I’m not thrilled about. My soon to be 100 grandma has been ready to die for a decade. Her husband died in 1992. All her friends are dead. One of her children is dead. Some of the children of her friends are already dead. She is very healthy and lives comfortably with my aunt and uncle, but she’s lonely just the same, and I feel bad for her. Nothing much makes her happy anymore. I know people wish for a long, healthy life, but the idea of outliving everyone you love seems miserable.
At work I use OneNote and digital sticky notes. Outside of work I use Samsung Notes, or pen and paper
I second this one, it’s hilarious and the guy is a great storyteller
My now-ex who was always horrible at handling their liquor got way too drunk while we were out at the bars in the city. We had to take a 45-min train ride back to the house we were renting during our vacation, where some of my extended family were also staying.
Ex could barely stay conscious during the train ride, then suddenly gets down on the floor and says they’re gonna hurl. Luckily I had a plastic bag with me and they threw up in that, but it was a small bag, plus everyone on the train was understandably grossed out, so I make them get up and move to the bathroom at the end of the train (thank God there was one). I distinctly remember a woman grabbing the hand of her small child and pulling them away as she looked on in disgust.
I lock us in the bathroom and Ex throws up in the toilet the entire rest of the train ride. Finally we get to our stop and we have to wait until the very last minute to get off the train because Ex doesn’t want to leave the bathroom. Right as we step off the train, it starts moving again to go back to the city.
My cousin picks us up from the train station in their very nice/expensive SUV, and the whole ride back to the house I’m cursing Ex out saying don’t you dare throw up in this nice car. We get to the house without incident but I have to drag them up the stairs to the bedroom, get a trashcan under them just in time because they started throwing up again, then monitor them the rest of the night to make sure they don’t pass out and choke on their own vomit.
The next morning Ex says they’re so sorry and will “make it up to me”, and one of the things they offer for this is to “clean the whole apartment when we get home”, as though that’s normally MY responsibility?? I was pissed at them for weeks for embarrassing me in public and to my extended family (it was the first time they’d met). Such a fucking idiot. One of so many reasons they’re now my ex.
There’s a camaraderie with the other soldiers on your platoon that happens when you’re in the military that I’ve never been able to feel with any other group of people since I got out. I would really like to be able to experience that again, but minus the war part.