• 44 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • He’s still going and he’s not doing great…

    Like, he is saying a lot of words, and they do seek to connect with the ones right next to each other most of the time. But it almost never has anything to do with the question after the first sentence or two

    I can’t tell if he’s pretending to talk to people or actually talking to people in the audience. Like I think he sees journalists making comments or reactions and addressing them.


    When asked if his delegates could vote for someone else if they don’t want him he said:

    That’s the Democratic process

    Then leaned in all creepy and whispered

    That’s not going to happen

    Edit 2:

    Fucking hell…

    They asked about “VP trump” at the end and said trump had already latched into it.

    When asked for comment Biden said:

    Listen to him

    Like? Listen to trump?

    Then did his best Monty Burns walk off stage.

    As with everything Biden, I highly recommend everyone watch it when they can.

  • Dude.

    It’s sad that this is the standard we’re holding Biden too…

    You know what a momma cat does when it can’t feed all the kittens? It carries the runt off and abandons it

    The Republican party is the runt, we can’t save both and the Dem party has the best chance of surviving.

    Why waste valuable time and effort calling on trump to step down? He’s literally never going to do it and there’s zero chance republicans go against him

  • They played a clip while I’m waiting for the press conference, and honestly?

    This one wasn’t that bad.

    He realized it almost immediately, and came up with a rebound. It wasn’t a good recovery, but it’s better than him just wandering off after it.

    If it was a normal candidate we’d laugh about this one, and there’s a lot more important things going on.

    Quick edit:

    That being said I could have sworn this was supposed to start at 6:30, I don’t know if the Putin comment has changed anything, but he’s not coming out so far.

  • I get most people don’t remember him at his peak in the 80s, but Obama wasn’t that long ago. Even then, he sounded like a functional adult.

    His press conference was supposed to start at 6:30 I thought, then it said 6:55 at one point…

    It’s 7:07 and he’s still not out.

    I had to switch streams and now it’s just running recent reports on him to kill time, but they’re all bad because there’s no good news…

    I don’t know what’s going on but he needs to get on camera asap.