I don’t think the entire world is required to know about American politics… only the western counties suffers from American influence
Half of the voters indeed, probably more than half the country
Af hvad jeg kan se, så rammer det skævt og tilgodeser dem fra øvre middelklasse og opad. Typisk de familier, hvor én kan arbejde hjemmefra (og de har to biler, hjemmearbejde = sandsynligvis et godt betalt job), eller dem der har tre biler, hvor det faktisk gør en forskel. En tredje bil er normalt dyrere at forsikre, så det kræver også en ressourcestærk familie.
Jeg kan faktisk slet ikke se hvilket problem dette løser…
I’d also bet that it’s more than 30% in the US
Don’t mind him, incels gonna incel
I worked with a company that used product data from competitors (you can debate the morals of it, but everyone is doing it). Their crawlers were set up so that each new line of requests came from a new IP… I don’t recall the name of the service, and it was not that many unique IP’s but it did allow their crawlers to live unhindered…
They didn’t do IP banning for the same reasoning, but they did notice one of their competitors did not alter their IP when scraping them. If they had malicious intend, they could have changed data around for that IP only. Eg. increasing the prices, or decreasing the prices so they had bad data…
I’d imagine companies like OpenAI has many times the IP, and they’d be able to do something similarly… meaning if you try’n ban IP’s, you might hit real users as well… which would be unfortunate.
It’s not fiat.
Now give me a slap daddy
and California has the highest use of EVs in the world.
Probably not. That would be China, or if pr. capita then Norway.
Guns don’t kill people, bikes kill people
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