Isn’t this the port that’s turning a blind eye to massive amounts of stolen vehicles leaving Canada? If so, then I for once won’t be taking the union’s side on this. Fuck those guys.
Isn’t this the port that’s turning a blind eye to massive amounts of stolen vehicles leaving Canada? If so, then I for once won’t be taking the union’s side on this. Fuck those guys.
It’s worth noting that the link he provided is a decent overview, but it’s also really outdated as far as the decompilation community goes. If you’re at all interested in getting involved, and not just mildly curious about the high level stuff, most people start with one of two discords. One for and the is the N64 decompilation discord.
You say Ratatouille did this famously. But I can’t find any references. Do you have some?
Hey, just in case you didn’t know, you’re currently playing in a stretched aspect ratio. I know it’s filling your screen, but it’s really not intended to be stretched like that. You should be able to use the menu in your tv to set it to 4:3 to fix it.
The Wario Land game was top tier. Probably the best game on the system.
This feels like witnessing a future summoning salt video in the making.